My guy wanted to come back to this place since the first time he set foot on the sea shells beach back in 2013. And finally, here we are in Udupi after a series a mishaps involving notorious Bangalore traffic, train misses, etc.
After scrumptious breakfast at MTR, Udupi, we set out to explore St. Mary's Islands off Malpe beach. The island brought back pleasant memories instantly and we couldn't wait to jump into cold waters. We found a secluded spot - best part about this beach is, it's still not so popular, jumped right in. NCV literally slept on the beach and after settling in nicely in water, uttered, "This is my most favourite beach in the world." That felt amazing.
We lay on the beach for a good 2 hours getting gently hit by the waves and talking mostly nonsense. We were just happy, unadulterated by any stress. I wish we could stay there forever, I wish that moment of tranquility never ended.

After collecting beautiful sea shells, we headed back to Udupi, had a big meal at MTR and went to Mangalore - our next stop for a friend's wedding. Post wedding, we went to Panambur beach in Mangalore, which was extremely crowded but found a quiet place to ourselves and discussed life.
We caught the train back to Bangalore, thus ending our short trip.