TYPE - Open Greens
DISTANCE - Approx. 80 KMs from Bengaluru
FOOD - Not Available, Chikkaballapura
STAY - Camp-site Available, with Permission
BEST TIME – June To October
Sorry for the Low quality pics, its one of our earliest trek spots without proper preparations. Now the proper description for this place would be Oasis!! because its a small green region in middle of a barren.
We started from home at 6 am planning to reach early and as usual ended up reaching late. From Chikkaballapura ask for Kethenahalli falls route and follow, its on left at the end of Chikkaballapura bus station main road. To reach this place is like the movie Mackenna's Gold, we have to ask locals for help. We parked our bikes and started instantaneously, half way to this place we get streams of water flowing but this time we didn't, meaning no water at the falls. We reached the destination and with no water we were like bunch of morns just staring each others faces and eating whatever we had. Then one of them suggested to trek a distant hill, we all got that instant smile face with this idea. Hence the start of our the most insane trek till date. Without thinking twice and accumulating all the energy we started, accompanied by drizzle and after crossing nine small hillocks for two long hours we reached the bottom of the hill. The start was difficult beginning with a 90 degree tilt we started our grand adventure. It seems as thought the hill was untouched from 10,000 years. There were porcupines quills all over the place, with lots of untouched things. At halfway and the view below was totally mesmerizing, we reached the peak felt drizzle on our faces with cold breeze. We wanted stay there for some more time, but nothing lasts forever, we had to leave. It will be the most Insane Trek of our lives!!
PS:- Please keep the place you visit clean and tidy, collect any garbage and dispose properly.