I always wanted to travel the world. But it was only a dream till I got job and move to another city where I could finally feel free and independent. Starting to live alone made it possible to go on trips and follow my heart. Since I started earning my only goal has been to travel wherever it is possible. And one of them was Chikmanglur,karnataka trip. This trip will always be special in my heart like any other trips but I think for me it was an achievement when I climbed the highest peak of Karnataka-The Mullayanagiri Peak. The climbing was not seemed to be tough though there are steps made for the climbers to make it easy but trust me for any beginners it was really tough. You take each steps and going up and you feel tired and exaushted. But finally when I reached I could see the whole city from there and I could actually feel like 'I am top of the world' though I was basically on top of Karnataka. Jokes apart it was really nice experience and achievement for me. Every trip gives me true essence of living. Every trip teaches me to follow my heart. It makes me stronger from inside,it gives me inner peace,it helps me to find myself. And this trip was added to that list. Waiting to plan for another so that I can go to one step forward to know myself better.