An empty mind is not always the devils workshop-sometimes it can work wonders!
What I mean is when birds of the same flock sit together random trips are planned!
This is to our most impromptu and unforgettable gokarna trip!
Post our not so great exams when everyone else was excited about going back to their homes;
I and my friend decided to hit this new place and explore it to its fullest!
From trying out various combinations of clothes and stuffs to rejecting a few we were all set for a duo Saggi-Scorpion girls trip!
Standing puzzled at the bus stop with panic induced coma of missing our bus we finally reached our destination.
Yes we did!
Gokarna-a small place in Karnataka known for its pilgrimage destination,serene beaches,numerous visitors and definitely its beauty!
It was altogether a new place. Clouds were still dark and dawn had an hour to pass;we took an auto to our home stay.
To our lucks;network wasn’t feeble and google maps assisted us assuring the auto driver didn’t mislead us.
The wanderlusts in us was still enthusiastic even at four in the morning and we rushed to the nearest beach after checking in.
Welcomed by the cool breeze,wet sand and calmness around the beach we saw our first sun rise-beautiful and powerful!
It was a memorable three days trip with number of experiences.
With new people,new energies,new get aways we almost covered the entire small town and encountered its beauty.
The place was unfamiliar yet its people were homely and helpful.
One fine breezy night when I and my friend were admiring the charm of the place sitting at the corner of the beach,
we chanced upon meeting an unknown South Indian lady somewhere in her late thirties who came on a solo trip to celebrate her birthday.
With goosebumps all over we were extremely impressed by her courage and wanted to build up a conversation with her.
After sometime,It so happened that we spent three hours talking to that lady;listening to her stories with our rapt attention and exchanging ours with her.
She was a really courageous and a bold person who left us astonished!
That was one of the best part of our trip.
Nevertheless all great trips are coupled with some epic tragedies and so was ours.
We were misguided and taken to a abandoned kind of a place miles felt so suffocating and hostile that number of thoughts started creeping our heads. But gratitude to our good karmas we found an escape out of the trap and rescued ourselves.
Another in the line was when we lost our way and this time even mobile network couldn’t helped us.
With all the good and the bad experiences during our trip we definitely realised- every trip teaches you something new and beautiful. The people you meet and their stories leave a lifetime impression in your life.Also when you feel things are failing you must always trust your instincts and follow your intuitions!
And the last;one must always plan to hop to an unknown place,embrace the randomness out there and keep ticking things off their bucket list!!