5 reasons why Gokarna can be the dream lockdown destination.

5th Jun 2019

While we're fighting a rare and dangerous situation, I know that we, travellers are having a very tough time. I know how important regular dosage of travel has become in our lives and especially for me; a weekend without travelling was like a weekend wasted. Buying anything a little expensive and even paying examination fees in college seemed waste of money as I always kept comparing where I can go and what all I can do with the same money. "Give me that money I don't want that dress I can go to Hampi on a weekend" is what I keep saying when my mom wants me to buy something for a function or an event and she's literally done with me, she doesn't even take me along now.

This article is about one of the places I miss the most and maybe I would've enjoyed lockdown here! - Gokarna. Here are 5 reasons why you should visit Gokarna at the first chance you get!

Less people, less dirt, more water:

Photo of 5 reasons why Gokarna can be the dream lockdown destination. 1/2 by Ruchira

Unlike the popular beaches we've mostly been to, the beaches in Gokarna have been hidden for a long time and escaped the tide of commercial tourism. The beaches are cleaner, the sand is smoother under your feet, the noise of the waves is louder, sunsets are more soothing, and the places are quieter for you to hear your own breath, listen to your own thoughts and spend some time with yourself in pursuit of which you've been travelling.

Not just a place, a vibe:

Photo of 5 reasons why Gokarna can be the dream lockdown destination. 2/2 by Ruchira

You're mistaken if you think Gokarna is just a place. There's more to it, with all the wandering backpackers around you, people from all parts of the world in search of the same peace, spotting spiritual seekers indulged in yoga and meditation once every few steps, relaxing in the shacks on the beach eating hot and freshly served food with contemporary rock music playing in the background trying to see where the beach in front of you ends, talking to friendly backpackers and knowing about their life and a lot more form the real essence of the place, giving it a unique vibe. More than the beautiful landscapes, you'll miss the vibe of being a wandering lost soul in a land of wanderers.

Pro tip: If you're a traveller, not a tourist I suggest you book yoga retreat of 3-4 days or one week and give yourself time to tune with nature, make some friends and explore the place after your yoga classes.

Sleep without a roof:

No I don't want a roof! Each night while on the verge of sleeping, I wish I was sleeping under a sky full of stars. Don't you? I'm sure all of us do, now imagine sleeping under a sky full of stars with the waves singing you a lullaby to sleep. Ah how well would I sleep! How intimidating is that? Unlike the crowdy and not so clean beaches in Goa, there are many camping options in gokarna to sleep and wake up by the beach while the first rays of the sun kiss you awake.

Trek amidst the beaches:

Hike up into the woods, hike down the other side leading to a beach! Play with the waves, smell the ocean, go ahead hike up again into the woods, hike down the other side leading to one more beach! 5 such beaches. Sounds like an endless journey filled with sweet surprises? It is! Known as the Golden route via paradie beach, half-moon beach, full moon beach, om beach and kudle beach with the Western Ghats running parallel to the beaches, this trek is nothing less than magical. How different would beach hopping be from a normal trek!

Last but not the least, very reasonable:

All these experiences without punching a hole in our pockets! A weekend trip can be planned within 3-4k and there are a lot of budget options even if one wants to stay longer.

There are also water adventure and boating options, Mahabaleshwar temple, Mirjan fort, Vibhuthi falls, Murudeshwar temple, Yana caves to explore around Gokarna.

This is something to keep your travel spirits high while we're fighting this Global pandemic!Let Gokarna be first on your list once we successfully fight this away.