India is a land of diversity and, nowhere more so than in it's spiritual life. Buddism originated in India in the 5th century BCE.
“The Buddhist philosophy is hard to adopt, but life-changing when you do.” A sentence you would hear from many people who have visited and spent some time at Buddhist Monasteries.
What’s the secret to feeling calm and focussed? It’s not an easy question to answer. So, why do Buddhist monks appear peaceful and present all the time?
They are above the frustration of materialism.

Everything changes, it’s the fundamental law of the universe. Yet, we find it hard to accept it. We identify strongly with our fixed appearance, with our body and our personality. And when it changes, we suffer.
Everything about consciousness comes and goes, a moment is all that exists. Buddhism is an individual path whose aim is enlightenment, achieved by extinguishing the egoistic desire that are cause of human suffering.
6 powerful lessons from the conversation with a monk.
1. Real wisdom is trying something and failing it in terribly.
2. Know your mission. Improve the world by improving or changing yourself.
3. Be a friend of the world.
4. Keep an open mind. Think true happiness is possible! No matter how miserable someone is, there is always a way out.
5. Minimal talking, maximum listening.
6. And last but not least: Stay calm, no matter what. The world is not perfect. There is no point in demanding that – everything changes. Neither misfortune nor luck is constant.