It was a rare experience to see and hear the call of Gibbon in the middle of a reserve forest in Mariani in Jorhat Dist. of Assam. Early in the morning at around 6.00am started from Jorhat town to reach Hoollongapar Reserve Forest. This dense reserve is evergreen forest and with tall and heavy built trees. Hoolongapar Reserve Forest derived its name from Hoolong Tree which happens to be "State Tree of Assam".

"HOOLONG" State tress of Assam
Hoolongapar forest is having Rich flora & fauna which makes it a very rich Bio-Diverse forest Its aged old tall trees are always a home of Indian ape Gibbon. As our Guide Mr.Bora informed about this forest that it is having 108 nos of Gibbons which very social in nature. Generally Gibbons are family oriented apes. They live in a group of 3/4 members,which comprises of Male, female and their siblings. These Gibbons are very sensitive to their area and make round of their respective area to drive away any intruder.
This forest is also home to some other species of monkeys namely Pig tailed Langur, Stumped Langur,Capped langur to name a few and it is also inhibited by Great Indian Elephants. Apart from these Leopard,Squirrel and different types of birds and other wild animals can also be spotted here. Different species of butterfly are also there in the jungle which can be spotted in abundantly. Constraint of my knowledge cripples me to write about this reserve forest which is hot spot of Bio Diversity.
( All Pic are (C) )