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Ajloun Castle
📍 Ajlun, Ajloun, JordanView map ›

🗓 Best Time To Visit:March to May, September to November

⏰ Open Hours:8:00 AM to 6:00 PM

🏞 Things To Do:Explore the castle, Enjoy panoramic views, Learn about Islamic architecture and history

💰 Budget:Entry fee - 2 JOD

🧳 Traveller Types:History buffs, Architecture enthusiasts, Solo travellers, Family

📌 Known For:Ajloun Castle is known for its impressive Islamic architecture and its strategic location providing panoramic views of the Jordan Valley.

🚉 Distances:From Amman - 73km, From Queen Alia International Airport - 94km, From Jerash - 25km

♿ Accessibility:Partially wheelchair accessible

📸 Photo Opportunities:Top of the castle, panoramic views from the castle

🧭 Tips:Wear comfortable shoes for walking and climbing. The site can be hot in summer, so bring water and wear a hat.

🔍 Noteworthy:The castle is one of the best-preserved examples of Medieval Arab-Islamic military architecture.

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Ajloun Castle: A Guide to Jordan's Hidden Gem

Ajloun Castle is one of the most impressive and underrated attractions in Jordan. Built by the nephew of the legendary Muslim leader Saladin, this 12th-century fortress stands on a hilltop overlooking the green hills and valleys of northern Jordan. From its towers and walls, you can enjoy panoramic views of the Jordan Valley and the neighboring countries of Syria, Palestine, and Israel. Inside the castle, you can explore its chambers, carvings, and inscriptions, and learn about its role in the Crusades and the Islamic history of Jordan. You can also visit the museum, which displays exhibits and artifacts related to the castle and the region. Around the castle, you can wander through the olive groves, which produce some of the finest olive oil in the world, and hike along the scenic trails that lead to or from the castle. If you have more time, you can also combine your visit to Ajloun Castle with some of the nearby tourist attractions, such as Wadi Rum, Amman Citadel, Petra, Jerash, and Amman Roman Theatre.

In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive and engaging guide to Ajloun Castle and its surroundings, and help you plan your trip to this hidden gem in Jordan.

Photo of Ajloun Castle 1/2 by
(C) Afar Media

History and Architecture of Ajloun Castle

Ajloun Castle was built in 1184 by Izz al-Din Usama, the nephew of Saladin, the famous Muslim leader who fought against the Crusaders and recaptured Jerusalem. The castle was part of a network of fortifications that protected the trade routes and the pilgrim routes between Syria and Mecca. The castle also served as a base for the Muslim armies that fought against the Crusader states in Palestine and Lebanon. The castle was enlarged and renovated by different rulers over the centuries, such as the Ayyubids, the Mamluks, and the Ottomans. The castle was damaged by several earthquakes, but was restored by the Department of Antiquities of Jordan in the 20th century.

The castle has a rectangular shape, with four corner towers and two semi-circular towers on the north and south sides. The main entrance is on the south side, and leads to a vaulted corridor that connects to the inner courtyard. The courtyard has a water cistern, a mosque, and a bakery. The towers have different functions and features, such as chambers, staircases, arrow slits, and machicolations. The most prominent tower is the west tower, which has a hexagonal shape and a conical roof. The tower has a carved inscription that mentions the name and the title of Izz al-Din Usama, and the date of the construction of the castle. The tower also has a small museum, which displays exhibits and artifacts related to the castle and the region, such as pottery, coins, weapons, and manuscripts. The museum also has information panels that explain the history and the architecture of the castle. From the towers and the walls, you can enjoy stunning views of the surrounding countryside, including the Jordan Valley and the neighboring countries of Syria, Palestine, and Israel.

Things to Do at Ajloun Castle

There are many things to do at Ajloun Castle, besides admiring its history and architecture. Here are some of the main attractions and activities that you can enjoy at the castle:

- Visit the museum: The museum is located in the west tower, and showcases exhibits and artifacts related to the castle and the region. You can learn more about the history and the culture of Ajloun, and see some of the pottery, coins, weapons, and manuscripts that were found in and around the castle. The museum also has information panels that explain the history and the architecture of the castle, and some models and maps that illustrate the layout and the features of the castle.

- Enjoy the views: The views from the castle are breathtaking and memorable. You can see the green hills and valleys of northern Jordan, and the olive groves that dot the landscape. You can also see the Jordan Valley and the Dead Sea, and the neighboring countries of Syria, Palestine, and Israel. On a clear day, you can even see the snow-capped Mount Hermon in Lebanon. The best time to enjoy the views is in the morning or in the evening, when the sun casts a golden glow on the scenery.

- Wander through the olive groves: The olive groves around the castle are an important part of the local culture and economy. The olive trees are ancient and produce some of the finest olive oil in the world. You can wander through the olive groves, and see the farmers harvesting the olives, and the presses extracting the oil. You can also buy some of the olive oil and other products, such as soap, cheese, and honey, from the local shops and vendors.

- Hike along the trails: There are several hiking trails that lead to or from the castle, and offer a great way to explore the nature and the culture of Ajloun. You can hike along the Soap House Trail, which starts from the castle and passes by an old soap factory, a water mill, and a spring. You can also hike along the Prophet Elijah Trail, which starts from the castle and ends at the Tell Mar Elias ruins, which are believed to be the birthplace of the prophet Elijah. You can also hike along the Ajloun Forest Reserve Trail, which starts from the Ajloun Forest Reserve, a protected area that hosts a variety of plants and animals, and ends at the castle. The trails are well-marked and easy to follow, and offer scenic views and interesting sights along the way.

Nearby Tourist Attractions

If you have more time, you can also combine your visit to Ajloun Castle with some of the nearby tourist attractions, such as Wadi Rum, Amman Citadel, Petra, Jerash, and Amman Roman Theatre. Here are some of the highlights of each attraction, and how to reach them from Ajloun Castle:

- Wadi Rum: Wadi Rum is a desert valley that offers a stunning landscape of sandstone mountains, canyons, and dunes. You can explore the valley by jeep, camel, or horse, and see some of the rock formations, petroglyphs, and natural arches that make Wadi Rum unique. You can also camp under the stars, and experience the Bedouin culture and hospitality. Wadi Rum is about 350 km south of Ajloun Castle, and you can reach it by road in about 4 hours.

- Amman Citadel: Amman Citadel is a historical site that sits on a hill in the center of Amman, the capital of Jordan. You can see the remains of different civilizations that occupied the site, such as the Romans, the Byzantines, and the Umayyads. You can also visit the Jordan Archaeological Museum, which displays exhibits and artifacts from the site and other parts of Jordan. Amman Citadel is about 70 km south of Ajloun Castle, and you can reach it by road in about an hour.

- Petra: Petra is a UNESCO World Heritage Site that features a city carved out of red sandstone by the Nabateans, an ancient Arab people. You can enter the city through the Siq, a narrow gorge that leads to the Treasury, the most famous and iconic monument of Petra. You can also see other monuments, such as the Monastery, the Royal Tombs, and the High Place of Sacrifice. Petra is about 300 km south of Ajloun Castle, and you can reach it by road in about 3 hours.

- Jerash: Jerash is one of the best-preserved Roman cities in the world, and showcases the architecture and the culture of the Roman Empire. You can see the Temple of Artemis, the Hippodrome, the Hadrian's Arch, the Oval Forum, and the Colonnaded Street, among other structures. You can also watch some reenactments of Roman gladiator fights and chariot races. Jerash is about 30 km south of Ajloun Castle, and you can reach it by road in about half an hour.

- Amman Roman Theatre: Amman Roman Theatre is a large and impressive amphitheatre that was built by the Romans in the 2nd century AD. You can see the seating, the stage, and the orchestra, and imagine how the theatre was used for entertainment and cultural events. You can also visit the Jordan Folklore Museum and the Jordan Museum of Popular Traditions, which are located inside the theatre, and display exhibits and artifacts related to the Jordanian culture and heritage. Amman Roman Theatre is about 70 km south of Ajloun Castle, and you can reach it by road in about an hour.

How to Visit Ajloun Castle

To visit Ajloun Castle, you need to know some practical information, such as the transportation options, the entrance fee, the opening hours, the accessibility, and the safety. Here are some of the details that you need to know:

- Transportation: There are different ways to get to Ajloun Castle, by road, train, or air. The easiest and most convenient way is by road, either by car, taxi, or bus. You can rent a car from Amman or other cities, and drive to Ajloun Castle, following the signs and the directions. You can also take a taxi from Amman or other cities, and negotiate the price and the duration of the trip. You can also take a bus from Amman or other cities, and get off at the Ajloun.

- Entrance fee: The entrance fee to Ajloun Castle is 3 Jordanian dinars (about 4 US dollars) per person, and includes access to the museum and the views. You can pay by cash or credit card at the ticket office near the entrance. There are some discounts and special offers available for students, children, seniors, and groups, depending on the season and the availability.

- Opening hours: Ajloun Castle is open every day from 8 am to 4 pm, except on Fridays, when it is open from 10 am to 4 pm. The opening hours may vary depending on the weather, the holidays, and the events, so it is advisable to check the official website or call the castle before your visit.

- Accessibility: Ajloun Castle is not very accessible for people with disabilities or mobility issues, as there are many stairs, ramps, and uneven surfaces inside and outside the castle. There are no elevators, wheelchairs, or ramps available at the castle, and the entrance and the exit are not at the same level. However, there are some signs and guides that can help you navigate the castle and its features, and some benches and restrooms that you can use during your visit.

- Safety: Ajloun Castle is generally safe and secure, as there are security guards, cameras, and fences around the castle. However, there are some risks and hazards that you should be aware of, such as the height, the edges, the rocks, and the animals. You should be careful and cautious when walking on the walls and the towers, and avoid leaning over the edges or climbing on the rocks. You should also be respectful and mindful of the animals that live in and around the castle, such as the birds, the cats, and the dogs, and avoid feeding or touching them. You should also follow the rules and regulations of the castle, and listen to the instructions and warnings of the staff and the guides. In case of an emergency, you can contact the castle staff, the local police, or the ambulance, and they will assist you as soon as possible.

Photo of Ajloun Castle 2/2 by
(C) Kaleela

Best Time to Visit Ajloun Castle

The best time to visit Ajloun Castle depends on your preferences and expectations, as the weather, the crowds, and the events vary throughout the year. Here are some of the factors that you should consider when planning your visit:

- Weather: The weather in Ajloun is generally mild and pleasant, with four distinct seasons. The spring (March to May) and the autumn (September to November) are the best seasons to visit, as the temperature is moderate, the rainfall is low, the humidity is comfortable, and the visibility is high. The average temperature in these seasons is around 20°C, and the average rainfall is around 40 mm per month. The summer (June to August) is the hottest and driest season, as the temperature can reach up to 35°C, the rainfall is almost zero, the humidity is high, and the visibility is low. The winter (December to February) is the coldest and wettest season, as the temperature can drop to 5°C, the rainfall can reach up to 100 mm per month, the humidity is low, and the visibility is medium. The winter can also bring some snow and frost, which can make the castle look more beautiful, but also more slippery and dangerous.

- Crowds: The crowds in Ajloun are generally moderate and manageable, as the castle is not very popular or crowded compared to other attractions in Jordan. However, there are some periods and days when the castle can be more busy and noisy, such as the weekends, the holidays, and the school breaks. The peak periods are usually in the spring and the autumn, when the weather is ideal and the tourists are more active. The off-peak periods are usually in the summer and the winter, when the weather is extreme and the tourists are less active. The busiest days are usually Fridays and Saturdays, when the locals and the visitors flock to the castle for leisure and recreation. The quietest days are usually Sundays and Mondays, when the locals and the visitors are more busy with work and school.

- Events: The events in Ajloun are not very frequent or diverse, as the castle is not very lively or dynamic compared to other attractions in Jordan. However, there are some events that can make the visit more interesting and enjoyable, such as the festivals, the celebrations, the shows, and the performances. Some of the events that take place in or around the castle are:

- The Ajloun Festival: This is an annual festival that takes place in April, and celebrates the culture and the heritage of Ajloun. The festival features various activities and attractions, such as music, dance, art, crafts, food, and games. The festival also showcases the olive oil production and the olive products, which are the main products of Ajloun.

- The Independence Day: This is a national holiday that takes place on May 25, and commemorates the independence of Jordan from the British mandate in 1946. The holiday is marked by various celebrations and ceremonies, such as parades, speeches, fireworks, and flag-raising. The holiday also honors the Jordanian army and the Jordanian flag, which are both symbolized by the castle.

- The Ajloun Castle Show: This is a periodic show that takes place in the summer, and recreates the history and the glory of the castle. The show features actors, costumes, props, and effects, and tells the story of the castle and its role in the Crusades and the Islamic history of Jordan. The show also includes some reenactments of battles, sieges, and negotiations, and some demonstrations of weapons, tactics, and strategies.

- Tips and suggestions: To make the most of your visit to Ajloun Castle, you should follow some tips and suggestions, such as:

- Check the weather forecast and the opening hours before your visit, and plan accordingly.

- Avoid the peak periods and days, and visit the castle in the morning or in the evening, when it is less crowded and more peaceful.

- Dress appropriately and comfortably, and wear layers, hats, sunglasses, and sunscreen, depending on the season and the weather.

- Bring some water, snacks, and cash, as there are no shops or ATMs inside the castle, and the nearest ones are in the town of Ajloun, which is about 2 km away.

- Hire a guide or join a tour, if you want to learn more about the history and the architecture of the castle, and to get some insights and stories that are not available in the museum or the information panels.

- Respect the rules and regulations of the castle, and listen to the instructions and warnings of the staff and the guides.

Where to Stay

If you want to stay near Ajloun Castle, you have several accommodation options to choose from, ranging from budget to luxury. Here are some of the best options, and their pros and cons:

- Ajloun Hotel: This is a budget hotel that offers basic and clean rooms, with private bathrooms, air conditioning, and free Wi-Fi. The hotel also has a restaurant, a garden, and a terrace, and provides free parking and breakfast. The hotel is located in the town of Ajloun, about 2 km from the castle, and you can reach it by car, taxi, or bus. The price of the hotel is around 20 Jordanian dinars (about 28 US dollars) per night for a double room. The pros of this hotel are its low price, its proximity to the castle, and its friendly staff. The cons of this hotel are its lack of amenities, its noise, and its outdated decor.

- Ajloun Cabins: These are eco-friendly cabins that offer comfortable and cozy rooms, with private bathrooms, heating, and free Wi-Fi. The cabins also have a restaurant, a playground, and a barbecue area, and provide free parking and breakfast. The cabins are located in the Ajloun Forest Reserve, a protected area that hosts a variety of plants and animals, and is about 10 km from the castle, and you can reach it by car, taxi, or bus. The price of the cabins is around 40 Jordanian dinars (about 56 US dollars) per night for a double room. The pros of these cabins are their natural setting, their spaciousness, and their cleanliness. The cons of these cabins are their high price, their distance from the castle, and their limited availability.

- Ajloun Castle Inn: This is a luxury hotel that offers elegant and modern rooms, with private bathrooms, air conditioning, and free Wi-Fi. The hotel also has a restaurant, a bar, and a spa, and provides free parking and breakfast. The hotel is located on a hill overlooking the castle, and is about 1 km from the castle, and you can reach it by car, taxi, or bus. The price of the hotel is around 80 Jordanian dinars (about 112 US dollars) per night for a double room. The pros of this hotel are its stunning views, its amenities, and its service. The cons of this hotel are its high price, its steep access, and its exclusivity.

Where to Eat

If you want to eat near Ajloun Castle, you have several dining options to choose from, featuring local and international cuisine. Here are some of the best options, and their pros and cons:

- Al-Qala'a Restaurant: This is a local restaurant that offers traditional and authentic Jordanian food, such as mansaf, maqluba, shawarma, and falafel. The restaurant also has a terrace, where you can enjoy the views of the castle and the countryside. The restaurant is located near the entrance of the castle, and is open from 10 am to 10 pm. The price of the restaurant is around 10 Jordanian dinars (about 14 US dollars) per person. The pros of this restaurant are its location, its quality, and its portions. The cons of this restaurant are its lack of variety, its service, and its hygiene.

- Olive Branch Restaurant: This is an international restaurant that offers a variety of dishes, such as pizza, pasta, burgers, and salads. The restaurant also has a garden, where you can relax and enjoy the nature. The restaurant is located in the Olive Branch Hotel, which is about 5 km from the castle, and is open from 7 am to 11 pm. The price of the restaurant is around 15 Jordanian dinars (about 21 US dollars) per person. The pros of this restaurant are its diversity, its atmosphere, and its cleanliness. The cons of this restaurant are its price, its distance from the castle, and its availability.

- Ajloun Castle Inn Restaurant: This is a luxury restaurant that offers fine dining and gourmet cuisine, such as steak, seafood, and wine. The restaurant also has a panoramic view of the castle and the valley, and provides live music and entertainment. The restaurant is located in the Ajloun Castle Inn, which is about 1 km from the castle, and is open from 6 pm to 11 pm. The price of the restaurant is around 25 Jordanian dinars (about 35 US dollars) per person. The pros of this restaurant are its views, its quality, and its service. The cons of this restaurant are its price, its access, and its reservation.


Ajloun Castle is a hidden gem and a must-see attraction in Jordan. It offers stunning views, fascinating history, and exciting activities. You can learn everything you need to know about this 12th-century Muslim fortress, and how to plan your visit, in this comprehensive and engaging guide. Whether you are interested in the architecture, the culture, or the nature of Ajloun, you will find something that suits your preferences and expectations. You can also combine your visit to Ajloun Castle with some of the nearby tourist attractions, such as Wadi Rum, Amman Citadel, Petra, Jerash, and Amman Roman Theatre, and make your trip to Jordan more memorable and enjoyable. Don't miss the opportunity to visit Ajloun Castle, and discover its beauty and its secrets.

Ajloun Castle Reviews

9. Give into nature– The Arab resistance against the Crusaders resulted in the Ajloun Castle ( North Jordan)set in the ecologically important and beautiful scenery of Ajloun Forest Reserve. It is close to Jerash and can be combined with Pella too. It is a lush pine forest tucked away in the rolling hills of north Jordan and has 13 square kilometers of Mediterranean woodland. Oak, olive, pistachios, wild strawberries and carob grow abundantly and has lots of birds, wildcats, jackals, wild boars, foxes and striped hyenas. The previously extinct Roe Deer had been successfully re introduced in this reserve and the Persian Fallow Deer can also be found here. There are quite a few beautiful hikes available at this reserve and the Ajloun Campsite located at the edge of the forest makes a great place to stay. Ajloun Forest Reserve is open from April to October and is very popular with both domestic and foreign tourists so prior booking at the campsite makes sense.
Castle Ajloun. Picture yourself a king or queen of this fortified castle on top of a mountain. The interior of the castle reveals intelligent medieval Arabmilitary architecture and an impressive view of Jordan's towns down below.
Ajloun Castle (also Rabadh Castle), an Islamic fortress, is one and half hour away from Amman. The castle is located on the top of a mountain just outside the small city of Ajloun.
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