There are a few places on this planet, that can transport you to a completely different world. Tirthan Valley in Himachal Pradesh, spanning across Jibhi, Banjar, and many little villages - is one of those. After quitting my job back in Dec 2018, I was quite certain to land up there for a month. There could not have been a better start of my full-time travel content creator life.
The below images are known as split-screen, where two images are joined to create a story that is befitting for the experience I had at that time.

Waking up everyday to watch the Himalaya mountain peaks, and the moon go up the horizon, is a sight that I would remember for years to come.

The walk through the forest to Serloskar Lake was one to cherish. I reached a lake half-frozen and it was beyond beautiful. The village nearby had the best sunset.

At night, I took a pass at capturing the star trails. It was almost -6 degree Celcius, but the ethereal beauty of the sky full of so many stars, was worth the wait every minute.

I absolutely enjoyed and revelled in roaming around small villages, speaking to the locals, and spending each afternoon sitting and contemplating in front of the gigantic snow-clad Himalaya.

I also experienced snowfall on many days, after a long time since my school days. It was almost coming back a full circle as a traveller. I could not have asked for a better start of my full-time traveller's journey.
Himachal Pradesh has many valleys, including Tirthan, Sangla, Spiti, Kullu, Parvati etc. I would recommend spending time in each of these valleys to experience Himachal Pradesh in depth.
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