Yes another Japan blog. I couldn’t resist myself writing about it. Throughout my travel in Japan, I reflected on the many things that are different in Japan. We surely have a lot of stereotype about the country but it surpasses a lot of them easily. It is quirky, it is crazy and it is so Japanese.
1. Toilets
This was one of the first impressive thing I experienced there. The Japanese toilets are just wow. Most of the Toilets we visited were clean, highly techno with seat warmers, automatic fountain and music while you do the business. Public Baths might be a problem for some but you can enjoy the other time in peace and in full style. Imagine to get a warm toilet seat on a cold day. And these days it’s just a bummer. Push a button to make water flowing noises so that anyone can’t hear what you’re doing, Automatic flush when you get up etc etc. And this is not just at big hotels, but at public washrooms, hostels everywhere. They surely take their toilet business seriously.
2.Unique cafés
From maid cafés to animal cafés, Japanese have something for everyone’s fetish. Be it for a geek who has a fetish of a giggly maid or an animal lover who wants to have a drink with an animal, Japan has it all. In the maid café, the little giggly maid will give you company playing rock paper scissors spock or can chat with you on comics while you enjoy your drink/meal. Similarly lots of Cat cafés where one can enjoy their time with the felines. (they even have Owl/dogs/snake cafés)
3.Manga Addiction
Trust me when I say this. It’s beyond addiction. Leave aside Manga but Hello Kitty & Pokemon are like national symbol or something. Wherever you go you will find them even in temples and shrines. I still wonder what’s with that obsession.
4. Vending Machines
These have been something I have missed after coming back. The vending machines in Japan does provide everything on the planet. Imagine a sausage coming out from the vending machine or even french fries. They have vending machines for everything from Juices to Beer to cigarettes to hot dogs, fresh eggs and crepes to batteries, umbrellas and even underwear. You imagine and they might even have it. And yes you might be in the remotest of the area but never away from a vending machine
5. Love Hotels
Taking the concept of romantic rendezvous to the next level, love hotels discard all pretence at let you know this is the place to go to full-fill your fantasies. Thousands of hotels scattered all across Japan the market is booming, and with all the competition these hotels are serving up all kinds of luxuries. Whether you want fuzzy handcuffs or 3D televisions, you can find them here and rooms with different themes like space ships and dungeons etc.
6. Capsule Hotels
You would have heard a lot about this but trust me when you be in one you will realise how weird it is. Shaped like a capsule with rooms big enough to fit just bed, a small mounted television, a radio and alarm clock. The capsules are stacked two high like lockers, often feature Wi-Fi and only cost around $15 to $30 a night.Vending machines, snack bars and washrooms are all shared public amenities to save space. This allows hotels to have up to 700 capsules in only a small area. Most of these facilities only cater for men, although a select few do offer separate floors for women. These are mostly for working people who get done late for work and just need a place to crash.
You might find this weird but when you slurp your food loudly it means food is yummy and is a compliment. So don’t be surprised when the person eating next to you is slurping out loud. Don’t be scandalised but just join in.