Well this trip was taken after a nerve wrecking and a huge change in life.The trip lasted for 5 days,and the most interesting person we meet there was our tour/guide for the trip ahmed bhai.He took us through the region explaining in detail about every little hamlet and their everyday life.Though the region is truly heaven on earth with the crystal clear rivers,fresh air,snow clad mountains and so many intricate details but the anti national activities going on there are a big hindrance to the tourism of the state.We experienced one such incident when stones were pelted at our vehicle but thanks ahmed bhais instinctive response we were saved by a wiff.If not for him we would have been griviously injured.The trip though planned for a short time we saw all the major tourst destinations and had a great time.Ahmed bhai asked us to visit the region again for a longer duration so he could show us many more less crowded and beautiful spots.Overall the trip will be remembered for the beautiful scenery and people over there also their welcoming nature.Not everyone over there is terrorist majority of them are simple people trying to earn their daily wages even through the chaos.

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