Darcha is located in Lahaul district of Himachal Pradesh is also called (Dartse) village on the Bhaga river in Lahaul region.It is the most northerly permanent settlement on Manali-Leh.
Darcha is a tiny Lahaul area town in Lahaul and Spiti, on the Manali-Leh road, at a height of 3,360 metres. It is also supplied with contemporary facilities such as school, power and telephone lines and a cluster of drystone cottages and Dingy tent camps. Darcha is a wonderful stopover to hikers at the popular Darcha Trek, the Padum Trek.
The trails from Darchu to Padum cross numerous uphill and downhill trails, on the Palamo route at 3600 metres, followed by Chuminakpo-Lakong and Kargyak to Testa, Purne which is home to one of the oldest monasteries, Phuktal Gompa, and Ichar, and Padum en way to Mune. The Mune Monastery, and afterwards the Bardan Monastery, may be visited on the last stretch.