On the surface, travel is about seeing new places, discover the world’s incredible cultural diversity, experience places, delicious new cuisines and after all who would not like to travel to see such Beauty of our world.
Taking a Gap Year or time out to travel always looks good, it as a sign of maturity and worldly experience that will make you a better person.
why travel is important? For us...
Some may think it’s very expensive, spending money to travel that could be spent saving, some have Problems while traveling, and some are totally Addicted to it, there would be many reasons.but the way travels impacts you as a person, your interactions with others and your humanity towards the rest of the world.
Most understand that travel improves confidence and independent thinking.
So let see why traveling is a worthy, here are ten reasons why it’s important.
1. It gets you out of your comfort zone.

Whether you travel independently or as part of an organized tour, you’re stepping into a completely new world that may be out of your comfort zone. But once you take the chance, you’ll probably be surprised at that place.
Chances are you’ll find the confidence you never knew you had and be able to take on challenges.
2. It puts life in perspective.

Traveling to other states of your country or even other countries, can be a big wake up call and put your own life in perspective. It feels like you’re in a different world you never lived before.
You’ll probably come away with a new appreciation for everything you have and the opportunities that life throws your way.
3. You’ll discover the world’s incredible cultural diversity.

Travel is a great way to immerse yourself in the cultural diversity that exists in our world. From festivals to food, weddings, and ceremonies, it’s mind blowing the unique way to celebrate life.
4. You might learn a new language.

Do you Know travel is the best excuse to learn a new language? Once you’re into a new destination, you’ll be surprised at just how fast your language skills develop with everyday interactions.
Try to keep talking with the locals in the regional language Even if you can only manage “Hello, what’s your name?”
chances are the locals will offer you their best. And parallel you’ll be adding a new language in your skills. And at last, you’d be happy too.
5. You’ll make friends from across the globe.

One of the best things about travel is indeed the friendships and connections you make with people from across the globe. You might be surprised at just how close you can come to people within a matter of hours.organized tours are a great way to establish friendships as you work towards a common goal, not only with other travelers but also the local community.
The interactions you’ll have will provide an incredible local insight into cultural traditions, beliefs, and way of life.
Something that you just can’t experience on TV or in books.
6. You’ll have incredible adventures (and stories to tell)

Off course where ever you travel you see beautiful places, meet new people, have a variety of food, and great stories to hear. And also a new language to speak with your Friends :)
7. Experience completely new cuisines.

One of the best things about discovering new destinations and cultures is food! It might be creamy coconut curries of south India and fried fishes in Coastal or Qabargaah" of Kashmir from North cuisine.
You may know more about Indian cuisines here and especially Kashmiri here
But opportunity to sample traditional delicacies from other corners of the globe will introduce you to unique flavors and methods.
8. Travel happiness is infectious!

There is something about travel that infects most with happiness. it’s the freedom of being on the road with no deadlines or calendar, the everyday discovery of new destinations, foods, cultures, and friends.
Travel gives you the opportunity to trek, bike, raft and drive through incredible landscapes, uncovering places you never believed existed, and not only view them with your own eyes, gives a great way to readjust and find balance in your life, which could be a happier, healthier you!
Therefore ask a Question to yourself, Should You Travel?