Hey lets go Travel somewhere,oh really "I don't have the Fucking Money
Lets go 'Without a Wallet'
Yes this seems crazy to some but really we Move on the road with a backpack, one camera and 20 INR for my Golaggapa(an Indian recipe to which i am addicted) except that nothing, we move without a single Penny in the pocket to the Majestic city of Jaisalmer, To experience the world famous Maru or Desert festival held every February at Jaisalmer. I never give a second thought to my Travel and finally I move that weekend.
Ironically I feel awesome, but that'what if' is chasing me around as i never did it before. What if..what if..what if..! But at another side i felt free and careless i do whatever i want, staying with a strangers with an ease, taking lift from the weird looking people on the road because at the end I knew what they take from me. I didn't have anything!! , And that's the point where first time I feel freedom, the feeling of Nothing to loose! It is an Unexplained Magic when You sit at the top of the Bus, Shouting like hell and your heart says 'Life Is Beautiful'
I with the one thumb you can Travel the world for free, you just have to move it little bit. I am on the Road finally, thumb were up and time to get lost! I Rajasthan people take time to stop or break there top speed just for the crazy guy on the road with the thumbs up.
During my trip I take change the vehicle and people 19 times, form the tuk tuk(local taxi) to the tracker, from the bike to the camel, from the drunk truck driver to the beautiful Delhi riding group. And meet around 23 amazing people(yes i count).
I reached Jaisalmer in the mid night around 1 am and after eating my left pakoda and chatney(offer me by the local on the way) i slept over Railway station while talking to my mom telling her that yes i am at a hotel don't worry (yes i am a bad son)!
Jaisalmer nicknamed "The Golden city". It is the world heritage site. The town stands on a ridge of yellowish sandstone, crowned by a fort, which contains the palace and several ornate Jain temples. Many of the houses and temples are finely sculptured. It lies in the heart of the Thar Desert (great Indian desert) and has a population of about 78,000.
I am there at the time of Maru Festival which is a three-day long extravaganza of dances, music, handicraft fairs and interesting competitions- including really unusual ones like a 'Mr Desert' pageant, a 'turban-tying' contest and a 'best mustache' contest- the Jaisalmer Desert Festival is organised by the Rajasthan Tourism Development Corporation.in year February It's a fantastic showcase of all things Rajasthani, and is justifiably popular with tourists, both Indian and foreign. Besides the food, the music and the cultural performances, there are camel rides, processions, camel polo, and even a camel tug-of-war. All of it is held against the backdrop of the awesome Jaisalmer fort. Fireworks displays at night light up the area, and the fort is illuminated too.
I never forgot to write about that night which is one of the most crucial night after my Zansker trip in the Himalayas!
I am Jaiselmer in Top season, the town were cruded with tourist all around and when even local's are confused to host you.
I move to Sam Sand Dunes which were 45km from Jaiselmer the main town. Where i meet the biking group people doing some crazy stuffs with there bikes. They were same people who help me on the Road(world is too small) we enjoy the sunset and drinks together. The sunset was magical.
There i meet a gypsy(seems like a local) who offer me a meat of pigeon (it was not that good but i never ate pigeon before) after having a wonderful dinner, i start collecting stuffs to burn in the night as suggest by that local "keep a Rum with you otherwise the desert will freeze you" its -2 deg. And i just have one blanket to cover myself.
I didn't say its an amazing night but I yes in the morning when the sun shine in the Horizon i have feeling of "once more" and i definitively do it again but with my sleeping bag this time!
I meet this guy and his Beautiful Little daughter at Sam sand Dunes.
The man told me, sir would you like to see the Rajasthani dance I said okay, go on but i don't have money! but i click the some pics and send you back form my hometown for sure! he agrees with a smile.
At last i appreciate her dance by giving a chocolate to her.
Back to at Jaisalmer for the festival. Its a huge extravaganza of travelers and photographers to experience the rich culture of Rajasthan.
Meeting Mr. Desert at the camel race ground. I flabbergast by his mustache and talk about it lot and put it a Bucket list!
Road make me discern how to appreciate life and how Lucky I am, and
now after this trip, I don't care about the "what if's" , it make me carefree, make me realize what actual freedom is, and i fall in love with road once again!
I personally suggest that everyone have to take one trip in a life time without a wallet, form now count it as your Bucket-list item. And i will assure you, u ll be amazed by the richness of the Road.
All this Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious experience all "Without a Wallet" !
This blog was originally published on 'Nickthevagabond'