Camping in the Thar desert is a must-have experience especially with your girlfriends. It changes your perspective towards life and will easily be one of the best travel experiences you will ever have! Here's everything you need to know to plan a trip with your girls.
Head to Jaisalmer by road and pre-book the camping experience with a tour operator. You'll definitely need a guide to navigate through the wilderness of the Thar and get lost, literally! We went with a set of operators called Desert Boys Dhani which is a restaurant but also the starting point for the camping expedition.
You'll need to report at 3 pm with everything you need for the night. I recommend packing light, keeping only essentials and thermals because you're guaranteed to freeze through the night!
The experience immediately begins as you hop into the jeep and begin a drive towards the desert. You'll slowly notice the surroundings change from a city of sandstone to open landscape with cattle, goats and village-folk heading back home for the night.

The enthusiastic tour guide who doubles as the driver will start explaining the history of the landscape, the ways of the people and how the desert was probably an ocean centuries ago. It's hard not to believe that when you stop by and get to see fossils of shells embedded into the ground.
You'll then stop over to meet with your companion for the night - your camel. A word of advice, if you think camel rides are fun for long distances, better think again! It can get painful after the first fifteen minutes! So don't be greedy for the experience.

You'll reach in time to catch the sunset with its beautiful hues across the desert. The lovely guides will serve up some delicious masala chai, while you relax on a sand dune. They will magically set up a tent, complete with warm bedding, vibrant colours and a make shift kitchen for the night!
After the majestic sunset, the smell of ghee-drenched rotis, spicy gravy, sides and a sweet dessert made of mounds of ghee, dal and lots of heart will lure you in.
By now you would have forgotten all your worries, be completely disconnected from reality (thanks to no network) and probably be looking up to the sky full of millions of stars!
Don't be surprised if you see bodies of light seemingly rotate across you - they're satellites, who knew?! If you're lucky as we were, you'll even catch the moon look down gently but protectively offering much needed light to move about on the sand dunes while your feet sink in!

You'll be one with nature too - with no toilet facilities or first world privileges you'll find ways to adapt to your surroundings. I discovered sand is the best to clean your hands with, after eating the heavy dinner with ghee in every mouth! Hand sanitizers/ wet wipes are the next best solution. (Don't litter!)
But these things won't matter as you'll enjoy stretching out across the bed with your friends and realising how tiny you are in this vast universe, which is quite visible in front of you!
Camels might be chomping in the background as they rest for the night before they greet you at sunrise next morning.
The tent is incredibly comfortable making you forget that you're out camping by the bonfire, trying to make sense of silhouettes in a distance and scare yourself with ghost stories.
Once you wake up, well rested despite the cold, the guides will say their hearty "good mornings" with a lavish spread of fruits, toast, tea, jam, butter and juice! You wonder if their make shift kitchen has a secret backdoor to a restaurant? You relish the food fit for a princess, while you bask in the gentle rays of the sunrise.
If you're up to it, you can try getting in some yoga but you'll probably feel like you're sinking into the sand and burst out laughing at your silliness.
The tour offers a few additional trips, at no additional cost including a visit to Kuldhara, the infamous haunted village. We opted to visit the neighbouring village where you'll come by friendly people who will generously offer you bowls of tea (yes bowls, literally), their precious smiles and invite you over to celebrate Holi with them in (even more) sunny March. This really makes you value everything you have and realise you could be still more generous, kind and compassionate.

The experience you gain from a night in the Thar is truly unique. It changes you for the better and makes you crave for more simplicity. A night surrounded by nothing but the beautiful desert, under countless stars and satellites. Pretty much on the border near Pakistan with camels for transport sounds like a dream. But it's totally achievable and safe even for three girls on a road trip through Rajasthan!
Most travel operators would suggest Sam Sand Dunes with fancy tents, dance and cultural performances. But I'd trade all that for this night in the desert which often seems harsh, but will show you just how much the desert can care for you!

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