Train from Sealdha to Hasimara
Train name :- SDAH APDJ SPL
Train number :- (03149)
SDAH time:- 20:35
Hasimara :- 10:50
Price:- SL- 390 3A:- 1050
Jaigaon the last village of india
Hasimara to jaigaon
Auto charges:- 50rs (approx.)
Cab Charges :- 500rs (approx.)
Time approx.:- 1 hour
Cross border by foot
Entre Bhutan
First city is phuntsholing
100m from entry gate there is a immigration counter
Visa on arrival
Make a permit for Bhutan ( free for Indian )
Lunch Time 1pm to 2 pm
Document needed
• Passport / voter card
• 2 passport size photo
• Receipt of hotel booking
• Undertaking letter (solo traveler )
• Photo copies of document
{ get a local sim card , cost around 500}
Phuntsholing to Timphu
Distance :- 148.2km
Time:- 4hrs 30min (approx.)
Bus :- 500rs ( last bus at 4pm )
Shared cab :- 1000rs
Private cab :- 1500rs -2000rs
Reached Timphu
Day 1 in Bhutan
Reached approx. 8pm
Book any hostel / home stay
Price :- 500rs to 700rs
Location :- clock tower/ city center
Have dinner and take rest
Day 2 in Bhutan
First book a bus for next day to Paro
Seightseeing of timphu
Cab approx. 1000rs for shared and 2000rs for private
Seeightseeing places
• Dzongkha chotem (memorial chorten ) entry fees:- approx. 350rs
• Buddha point
entry fees:- free
• Taking reserve ( not so important )
Entry fee :- 350rs taking is national animal of Bhutan which is more similar look like a imphala
• Dochlua Pass ( bhuttan Nepal border )
At height of 10200ft , 108 stupa , made by the oldest queen of Bhutan
Day 3 in Bhutan
Take bus for Paro
Distance From Timphu :- 50.9km
Time :- 2hours
Bus timing :- 9.30am
Reach paro by 11.30 and do checkin in hotel
And take a cab for tiger nest trek
Trek distance :- 5km
Temple close at 3pm
Return back to hotel area and visit local hand craft market
Day 4 in Bhutan
Train at 4pm from Hasimara Station
Tips:- try to look for cheap hotel/homestay/hostel