Distance from Raipur to Tiratgarh 317.5 km / NH 30. As we were at Jagdalpur now. The distance was 37 KM/ NH 30. It takes 40 minutes to travel from Jagdalpur toTirathgarh Waterfall. Approximate driving distance between Jagdalpur and Tirathgarh Waterfall is 34 kms. The distance covered was by a SUV.

The Tirathgarh Falls is a block type waterfall on the Kanger River. The water plunges 91 metres (299 ft) in a single drop.
This journey was short for us as it started from Jagdalpur it took us an hour to reach the destination.
The best thing about this waterfall is that we have to travel through Kanger National Park.The road drives through dense forest, misty views filling you with joy and enthusiasm.
The scene of tirathgarh waterfall is soo blissful and water looks very light like milk. The Tirathgarh fall has multiple splits, one can move further down through staircase which enables u to see the dimension of fall which u cannot see from top.
Wildlife, hills & a beautiful waterfall jst seems like heaven. One just cannot ignore the beauty of nature without praising.
Our journey was about to end but we were in search of some other destinations to explore which we’ll talk about in our next blog.
This post was originally published on Delicious Destination.