I was in jabalpur for visiting national park first one is bandhavgarh national park and second is pench national park both national park is close by jabalpur where you can reach by train or flight from any cities of India it is well connected by trains . bandhavgarh is located in umaria district of madhya Pradesh which is around 160 km away from jabalpur city and there is no any public facilities such as bus upto national park so if you are in group it is better because you have to pay approx 2500 rupees to car .when you start a road trip from jabalpur to bandhavgarh especially in rainy season everything you will see is greenery on the roadside and you love it after a journey of hardly 3 to 3:30 hrs I reached bandhavgarh national park .
There is tiger Safari in two sessions first in morning and second in evening.If you want tiger Safari in jeepsee you have to prebooked on the website of national park or if you are lucky you got on the spot also and they charge rupees 4500 for six person otherwise they have open bus also where charges are 700 rupees per person .if you are visiting in rainy season most probably you are not able to spot tigers because mostly they are spotted when they come for water and I didn't spot any tiger there within 2 hours of tiger Safari ride .I am sharing photos of bandhavgarh national park with all of you .