This Airline Is Going To Pay You To Travel The World & Snapchat Your Spectacular Journey!


You JUST might have the opportunity to live your dream!

Photo of This Airline Is Going To Pay You To Travel The World & Snapchat Your Spectacular Journey! 1/4 by Sreshti Verma

WOW Air has a job opening for every Snapchat lover who doesn't just believe in putting selfies. 

Four travelers will be selected to travel to any four destinations around the world and Snapchat all about it.

Photo of This Airline Is Going To Pay You To Travel The World & Snapchat Your Spectacular Journey! 2/4 by Sreshti VermaCredits: Adam

The list of destinations to pick from includes Amsterdam, London, Barcelona, Rome, Paris, Milan, and Reykjavik. Every trip will have at least two mind-blowing activities that will be perfect for Snapchat. The travels are scheduled to happen between June and August.

Too good to be real? Then check this out,

WOW will cover ALL travel costs. From airfare, lodging to travel allowance that you can spend whichever way on these amazing trips.

Photo of This Airline Is Going To Pay You To Travel The World & Snapchat Your Spectacular Journey! 3/4 by Sreshti Verma

These extremely lucky (or talented people) will be called 'SnapTravelers'. Cool, eh?

All About Applying?

The minimum required age is 18 year old, with a passion for travel and good physical health.

All you have to do is create a two-minute Snapchat story, save it an then submit to WOW through this application page

Photo of This Airline Is Going To Pay You To Travel The World & Snapchat Your Spectacular Journey! 4/4 by Sreshti Verma

Deadline is 8th May and winners will be declared by 17th May.

For more details, visit the WOW Air website.