Florence or "Florencia" was also known as "The flourishing Town" during the ancient times. It is rightly called the "Cradle of Renaissance", famous for its monuments,churches and buildings of great architecture.It was founded in 59 BCE as a colony of soldiers for the Roman armies.In the ancient times the city was first occupied by Ostrogoth,then by the Byzantines and later by the Lombards. By late 10th century the city prospered under countess Matilda of Tuscany and thus it became a leading city in Tuscany.
The city is located about 145 km away from North West of Rome.Its historic centre was inscribed on UNESCO'S World Heritage List in 1982.It is known as the birth place of Renaissance and also known as the Athens of the middle ages.The Florentine vernacular became the Italian language and the local coin florin, became the world monetary standard.

Florence has numerous museums,famous for its painting and sculpture.The famous one is the palazzo Vecchocia and the Uffizi Gallery, which is the most visited tourist spot with the highest sale of tickets and it gives a great boost to the cultural tourism .Another best known site is " The Duomo", a domed cathedral,Santa Maria del Fiore ,whose dome was built by Fillippo Brunelleschi. The dome is the largest in the world, built in brick and mortar,dominating the Florentine skyline.The centre of the city also has the Piazza della Signoria, a masterpiece of marble sculpture.
Florence is marked by the Forbes as one of the most beautiful city in the world, due to its artistic and architectural heritage. Cimabue and Giotto ,the fathers of Italian painting lived in Florence and we cannot forget the contributions of Leonardo da Vince,Donatello ,Michelangelo and Raphael s,and their work of art will be remembered by several generations to come.
Florence is also one of the top 15 cities famous as the fashion capitals of the world,home to the renowned brands like Gucci, Armani, Chanel, Prada and the list is endless.