Day well spent in Indore's khajrana Ganesh Mandir.
A peaceful location well away from polluted environment of city area. A location to settle for about 2 hrs your mind will get very peaceful temples with well experienced and expertise temple priest. Fountain inside the temple are soo much awesome with lighting. You can sit at a place meditate for as long as you want.
I was in a off mood sitting on one of the side walk. When I noticed one of the priest walked up to me and sat beside me. I was a little bit nostalgic when I remembering my childhood tym when we used to have Ganesh chaturthi celebration at our home, all my cousin's used to visit my home for the first day we used to have all the fun.
After awhile the priest asked what happened son you seems low in your life. I answered like I usually tell everyone "nothing like that" . But again the priest told me. "Life is awesome give it sometime to settle and you'll feel awesome." I was impressed by the way he told me that. I visited each n every temple of that Premises and it felt like I've accomplished something.
Overall its a great place to cool your mind off.
Thankyou for reading .