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📍 Kelimutu, IndonesiaView map ›

🗓 Best Time To Visit:May to July, when the water in the three lakes is likely to change color.

⏰ Open Hours:24 hours, but best views are at sunrise.

🏞 Things To Do:Hiking, photography, exploring local culture, wildlife viewing.

💰 Budget:Entry fee: IDR 150,000 for foreign tourists, IDR 5,000 for local tourists.

🧳 Traveller Types:Nature lovers, photographers, hikers, cultural explorers.

🔍 Known For:Three crater lakes that change color unpredictably, unique geological phenomenon.

📍 Distances:66 km from Maumere city, 104 km from Maumere Airport, 163 km from Ende Airport.

🍃 Flora and Fauna:Home to unique species like the Javan rusa deer and various bird species.

🌄 Best Viewing Spot:From the summit of the Kelimutu volcano.

🌡 Climate:Tropical, with temperatures ranging from 20°C to 35°C.

📚 History:Kelimutu was declared a national park by the Indonesian government in 1992.

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Kelimutu: The Mystical Mountain of Three Colored Lakes in Indonesia

Imagine waking up before dawn and trekking to the summit of a volcanic mountain, where you witness a spectacular sunrise over three crater lakes that change colors like a chameleon. This is not a fantasy, but a reality at Kelimutu, one of the most unique and stunning natural wonders in Indonesia.

Kelimutu is a 1,639-meter-high volcano located on the island of Flores, in the eastern part of Indonesia. It is famous for its three crater lakes that have different colors and meanings, and are considered sacred by the local people. The lakes are also known for their mysterious color changes, which are caused by natural and supernatural factors.

In this article, you will learn everything you need to know about Kelimutu and its lakes, and how to plan a trip to visit them. You will discover the beauty and significance of the lakes, the legends and beliefs behind them, the phenomenon and explanation of the color changes, and the best time and way to see them. You will also find practical and updated information and tips on how to visit Kelimutu, including the entrance fees, transportation, accommodation, and sunrise experience.

Whether you are a nature lover, a culture enthusiast, or an adventure seeker, Kelimutu is a destination that will amaze and inspire you. Read on to find out why Kelimutu is one of the most fascinating and unforgettable places in Indonesia.

The Three Crater Lakes of Kelimutu

The main attraction and highlight of Kelimutu are its three crater lakes, which are located at the top of the mountain. The lakes are:

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Tiwi Ata Mbupu (Lake of Old People), also known as Tiwu Ata Polo (Lake of Evil Spirits). This is the westernmost lake, and it is usually blue or green in color. It is the largest and deepest of the three lakes, with a surface area of 1.02 km² and a depth of 129 meters. It is believed that the souls of the old and the wicked go to this lake after death.

Tiwi Nuwa Muri Koo Fai (Lake of Young Men and Maidens), also known as Tiwu Nua Muri Kooh Tai (Lake of Young Souls Who Died Before Marriage). This is the middle lake, and it is usually turquoise or green in color. It is the smallest and shallowest of the three lakes, with a surface area of 0.73 km² and a depth of 67 meters. It is believed that the souls of the young and the pure go to this lake after death.

Tiwi Ata Polo (Lake of Evil Spirits), also known as Tiwu Ata Bupu (Lake of Old People). This is the easternmost lake, and it is usually red or brown in color. It is the second largest and deepest of the three lakes, with a surface area of 0.96 km² and a depth of 70 meters. It is believed that the souls of the evil and the violent go to this lake after death.

The lakes are separated by thin walls of volcanic rock, and are connected by underground pipes. They are fed by rainwater and groundwater, and are influenced by volcanic gases and minerals. The lakes have different colors and shapes, and are positioned at different heights. The western lake is 50 meters higher than the eastern lake, and the middle lake is 100 meters lower than the western lake.

The lakes are a sight to behold, especially during sunrise, when the sun rays illuminate them and create a stunning contrast. The lakes are surrounded by lush green hills and misty clouds, creating a surreal and magical atmosphere. The lakes are also a source of wonder and curiosity, as they change colors unpredictably and mysteriously.

The Legends and Beliefs of Kelimutu

Kelimutu and its lakes have a cultural and spiritual significance to the local people, especially the Lio tribe, who live in the nearby villages. The name Kelimutu means “the boiling lake” in the local language, and it refers to the volcanic activity and the color changes of the lakes.

The local people believe that the lakes are the resting place of the souls of the dead, and that the colors of the lakes reflect the mood and character of the souls. The lakes are also associated with local folklore and beliefs, and each lake has a name and a meaning that relates to the afterlife and the ancestors.

According to one legend, the lakes were created by a god named Konde Ratu, who was angry with the people for their sins and wars. He split the mountain into three parts, and made three lakes with different colors. He then assigned each lake to a different group of souls, depending on their age and deeds. He also gave each lake a guardian spirit, who controls the color and the behavior of the lake.

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Another legend tells the story of a father and his two sons, who lived near the mountain. The father was a farmer, and he loved his sons very much. He taught them how to work hard and be honest. One day, he asked his sons to help him in the field, but they refused and ran away to play. The father was sad and angry, and he cursed his sons to become lakes. The sons realized their mistake and begged for forgiveness, but it was too late. They turned into lakes with different colors, and they could only see each other from afar.

The local people respect and honor the lakes, and they perform rituals and ceremonies at Kelimutu, such as offering prayers, flowers, and food to the lakes. They also celebrate the annual festival of Penti, which is held in November or December, and marks the end of the harvest season and the beginning of the new year. During the festival, the people visit the graves of their ancestors, and then go to the lakes to thank them for their blessings and protection.

The Color Changes of Kelimutu Lakes

One of the most intriguing and mysterious aspects of Kelimutu and its lakes is their color changes, which are unpredictable and vary over time and seasons. The lakes have shown different colors and combinations in the past and present, such as blue, green, red, brown, black, white, and yellow. Sometimes, the lakes have the same color, and sometimes they have different colors. Sometimes, the colors change gradually, and sometimes they change suddenly.

The color changes of the lakes are a phenomenon that has fascinated and puzzled many people, and there are different explanations and interpretations of the color changes, from scientific to cultural.

The scientific explanation of the color changes is based on the chemical and physical factors that affect the lakes, such as the mineral content, oxidation, and sunlight. The lakes are volcanic lakes, which means they are influenced by the volcanic activity and gases of Kelimutu. The lakes contain various minerals, such as iron, manganese, sulfur, and copper, which react with the oxygen and the water, and produce different colors. The colors also depend on the amount and the type of minerals that are present in each lake, and the rate and the direction of the oxidation process. The colors also change with the sunlight, which reflects and refracts the colors of the lakes.

The cultural explanation of the color changes is based on the spiritual and supernatural factors that affect the lakes, such as the mood and character of the souls, and the guardian spirits of the lakes. The local people believe that the colors of the lakes reflect the feelings and the actions of the souls that inhabit the lakes, and that the colors can change according to the events and the situations that happen in the world. The colors also depend on the will and the power of the guardian spirits, who can control and manipulate the colors of the lakes. The colors also change with the seasons, which are associated with different meanings and symbols in the local culture.

The color changes of the lakes are a source of awe and curiosity, and they add to the beauty and the mystery of Kelimutu. The color changes are also a way of communication and connection between the natural and the supernatural, and between the living and the dead.

How to Visit Kelimutu

If you are interested and excited to visit Kelimutu and its lakes, you will need some practical and updated information and tips on how to visit Kelimutu, including the entrance fees, transportation, accommodation, and sunrise experience.

Entrance fees:

To visit Kelimutu National Park, you will need to pay an entrance fee of 150,000 IDR (about 10 USD) per person, which includes a conservation fee and a local guide fee. You will also need to pay a parking fee of 5,000 IDR (about 0.3 USD) per vehicle. You can buy the tickets at the entrance gate of the national park, or online at the official website of the national park.


To reach Kelimutu, you will need to travel to Flores, the island where Kelimutu is located. There are two main ways to travel to Flores: by air or by sea. By air, you can fly to one of the two airports near Kelimutu: Ende Airport or Maumere Airport. Ende Airport is closer to Kelimutu, about 64 km away, while Maumere Airport is farther, about 104 km away. You can find flights to Ende or Maumere from Bali, Jakarta, or other major cities in Indonesia. By sea, you can take a ferry or a boat to Flores from other islands in Indonesia, such as Bali, Lombok, or Sumbawa. The ferry or boat will take you to Labuan Bajo, the main port and town in Flores, which is about 390 km away from Kelimutu. From Ende or Maumere, you can rent a car, hire a driver, or take a bus to Moni, the nearest town to Kelimutu, which is about 14 km away from the national park. The car rental or driver fee can range from 500,000 to 800,000 IDR (about 35 to 55 USD) per day, depending on the type and condition of the car. The bus fare can be around 50,000 to 100,000 IDR (about 3 to 7 USD) per person, depending on the availability and the demand of the bus. The travel time from Ende or Maumere to Moni can be around 3 to 4 hours, depending on the traffic and the road conditions.

From Moni, you can rent a motorbike, hire a motorbike taxi, or take a shared car to Kelimutu National Park, which is about 45 minutes to 1 hour away from Moni. The motorbike rental fee can be around 100,000 to 150,000 IDR (about 7 to 10 USD) per day, depending on the type and condition of the motorbike. The motorbike taxi or shared car fare can be around 50,000 to 75,000 IDR (about 3 to 5 USD) per person, depending on the availability and the demand of the service. The travel time from Moni to Kelimutu National Park can vary depending on the weather and the road conditions.


The best place to stay when visiting Kelimutu is Moni, which is a small and charming town that offers a variety of accommodation options, such as hotels, guesthouses, homestays, and hostels. The accommodation prices can range from 100,000 to 500,000 IDR (about 7 to 35 USD) per night, depending on the type and quality of the accommodation. Some of the recommended accommodation options in Moni are:

Kelimutu Crater Lakes Eco Lodge: This is a cozy and eco-friendly lodge that offers comfortable rooms with private bathrooms, hot water, and free Wi-Fi. The lodge also has a restaurant, a garden, and a terrace, where you can enjoy the views of the mountains and the rice fields. The lodge also provides free shuttle service to Kelimutu National Park, and can arrange tours and activities for you. The price for a room is around 400,000 IDR (about 28 USD) per night, including breakfast.

Mahoni Guesthouse: This is a friendly and family-run guesthouse that offers simple and clean rooms with shared bathrooms, cold water, and free Wi-Fi. The guesthouse also has a common area, a kitchen, and a balcony, where you can mingle with other guests and the hosts. The guesthouse also provides motorbike rental service, and can arrange tours and activities for you. The price for a room is around 150,000 IDR (about 10 USD) per night, including breakfast.

Watugana Hostel: This is a modern and stylish hostel that offers dormitory and private rooms with private bathrooms, hot water, and free Wi-Fi. The hostel also has a lounge, a bar, and a rooftop, where you can relax and socialize with other travelers and the staff. The hostel also provides free shuttle service to Kelimutu National Park, and can arrange tours and activities for you. The price for a bed is around 100,000 IDR (about 7 USD) per night, including breakfast.

The Sunrise Experience at Kelimutu

One of the most important and memorable things to do when visiting Kelimutu is to see the sunrise at the lakes, which is an experience that you will never forget. The sunrise at Kelimutu is a magical and breathtaking moment, when the sun rays illuminate the lakes and create a stunning contrast of colors and shapes. The sunrise at Kelimutu is also a peaceful and serene moment, when you can enjoy the beauty and the mystery of nature, and feel the connection and the harmony with the souls and the spirits of the lakes.

To see the sunrise at Kelimutu, you will need to wake up early and prepare well, as the sunrise time can vary depending on the season and the weather. The sunrise time can be around 5:30 to 6:30 am, and you will need to leave your accommodation at least 1.5 to 2 hours before the sunrise time. You will also need to check the weather forecast and the visibility conditions, as the sunrise can be obscured by clouds or fog.

You will also need to dress warmly and bring some essentials, such as a flashlight, a camera, a water bottle, and some snacks. The temperature at Kelimutu can be cold and windy, especially in the morning, and you will need to wear layers of clothing, a jacket, a hat, and gloves. You will also need to bring some items that will help you enjoy and capture the sunrise moment, such as a flashlight to see the path, a camera to take photos, a water bottle to stay hydrated, and some snacks to keep your energy.

You will also need to find a good spot and be respectful of the lakes, as the sunrise can be crowded and noisy, and the lakes can be sensitive and sacred. You will need to arrive at the lakes at least 30 minutes before the sunrise time, and find a spot that gives you a good view of the lakes and the horizon. You will also need to be quiet and courteous, and avoid making loud noises or littering. You will also need to follow the rules and regulations of the national park, and avoid swimming or touching the lakes.

The sunrise experience at Kelimutu is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and you will need to make the most of it. You will need to enjoy and appreciate the beauty and the mystery of the lakes, and feel the emotion and the spirit of the sunrise. You will also need to take some photos and videos, and share your experience and your memories with your friends and family. You will also need to thank and respect the lakes, and the souls and the spirits that inhabit them.

Kelimutu is one of the most unique and stunning natural wonders in Indonesia, and a destination that will amaze and inspire you. Whether you are a nature lover, a culture enthusiast, or an adventure seeker, Kelimutu is a place that you should not miss. Kelimutu is also a place that will connect you with the natural and the supernatural, and with the living and the dead.

Are you ready to visit Kelimutu and its lakes? If you are, then don’t hesitate to book your trip and start your journey. If you are not, then we hope this article has motivated and encouraged you to do so. Kelimutu and its lakes are waiting for you, and they will welcome you with their colors and their spirits.

Thank you for reading this article, and we hope you have enjoyed it. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. We would love to hear from you and help you with your travel plans. If you want to read more articles or visit our website, please click on the links below. We have more information and tips on Kelimutu and other destinations in Indonesia and around the world.

Happy travels!

Kelimutu Reviews

Kelimutu is a relatively less active volcano located at Flores Island, Indonesia. It offers a once in a lifetime views. It’s well known for its scenic lakes that periodically changes colour due to oxidation-reduction, imbalance in volcanic gases and contact with volcanoes underlying activity. The colour of the lake changes from blue to green to black and on rare occasions even red!
Photos of Kelimutu
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