Foreign countries are showing off their love by naming their cities after Indian cities and states. Really, they are obsessed!
Just kidding!
In all likelihood, it is a pure coincidence that there are two Delhis in the United States, and completely understandable why cities in Pakistan have names similar to India.
Here is a list of places across the world which have similar names as some major Indian towns/cities/states.
'Delhi' seems to be quite a favourite!
Delhi, India
Credits: Akif A Khan
Delhi, Louisiana, USA
Credits: Bart Everson
New Delhi, India
Credits: Connie Ma
Credits: Doug Kerr
'Madras' in general seems to be obsessed with the railway.
Madras, India
Credits: Wikipedia
Madras, Oregon, USA
Credits: Drew Jacksich
This one is to be blamed on the partition.
Punjab, India
Credits: Sandeep Chetan
Punjab, Pakistan
Credits: Waqas Mustafeez
And so should Hyderabad's twin-ness.
Hyderabad, India
Credits: Venkataramesh Kommoju
Hyderabad, Pakistan
Credits: Wikipedia
But why would Indiana imitate Bengalis?
Calcutta, India
Credits: Static Flickr
Calcutta, Indiana, USA
Credits: Russell Sekeet
Though both Indian and American Salem are quite rich in history.
Salem, Tamil Nadu, India
Credits: Wikimedia
Salem, Oregon, USA
Credits: Edmund Garman
Indian Lucknow is much better when it comes to historical structures.
Lucknow, India.
Credits: Draconian Rain
Lucknow, New Hampshire, USA
Credits: Selbe
And if you are wondering HOW could this possibly happen, then the Colonizers (British Empire) are to blame who ran out of imagination (and care) when it came to naming their extensive colonies.