Why should we TRAVEL .. #BeFree

Photo of Why should we TRAVEL .. #BeFree 1/5 by sonika chaudhary


Kind of feeling this word gives me is beyond explanation. This gives reason me so much more than happiness, my lifetime learning is through travel only. There is more in my life than just travel, but it is a massive part of who I am today.

Photo of Why should we TRAVEL .. #BeFree 2/5 by sonika chaudhary

I believe that travel brings best and worst out of any person. As someone said if you want to know the person fully you should travel with them. Exposing yourself to new cultures can do wonders for your mental acuity by learning new ways of thought, traditions, and morals. Travel has made me a more empathetic and open person, it has made me see that most people are good and that we are all essentially the same. Being immersed in a place is an amazing way to learn about its history, but it’s also an amazing way to see how other people live: what’s important to them, what they hold true.

Photo of Why should we TRAVEL .. #BeFree 3/5 by sonika chaudhary

At my age ,some people feel the need to settle down ,have babies, or to work hard climbing the corporate ladder but my need is to continue traveling, learning, and experiencing the world itself. Nothing makes me happier than travel and meet new people in course of that.

Photo of Why should we TRAVEL .. #BeFree 4/5 by sonika chaudhary

Being from a conservative lower middle class, I never got the chance to travel in my early years. I always feel little disappointed in myself as I started travelling very late in my life. Once I start my job I started travelling with my friends and colleagues, But once I started travelling alone there was no going back. As said “If you have to wait for someone to travel with you, you may end up waiting a life time!” With age, I came to realize that travelling alone is actually my favorite way to travel. After being a nomad , Couldn’t imagine returning to “normal” life anymore, leaving it all behind to travel the world has been probably the best decision I’ve made in my life. Living this life has made me happier than I ever could have imagined. I am not saying that my life is perfect – it certainly isn’t – but the fact that I am living a life that is true to myself means more to me than I can say.

Photo of Why should we TRAVEL .. #BeFree 5/5 by sonika chaudhary

In this journey of my solo travelling, I would always be thankful to AIRBNB. Because of Airbnb only I got the confidence that a solo female can travel without any issue in India. Through Airbnb I am travelling alone since then and met so many incredible people all around India and would love to continue my journey .