Hey you marvelous girl out there! I have something to say that might help you somewhere, at some point of time. This post is about the life which we deserve, one brimming with freedom & happiness. Something for all of us, I mean we aren't born just to pass each day paying our bills, years roll by like that. It's high time you start living it the way you want.

Few years back I came from my hometown to Delhi for studies. I could have traveled tonnes of places but years went rolling by sleeping, eating and repeating, instead. My travel itinerary was confined upto going home only. Now I regret that I could have utilized it like nothing else as we have opulence of time during our college days. Now that I have started doing it, I'll tell you 7 simple facts why should we travel-
1. Learning new things

Doing it independently, not under the care of your parents and friends, teaches how to face life on your own. What to do, When to do and How to do it! E.g. we have to book our tickets, search for the place to stay, etc. We gain confidence, learn adaptability and patience in the process. Get chance to meet nature & people at its best. Different cultures all around the globe. Along with general knowledge, your mental abilities like quick decision making, communication skills increase and there are huge metamorphoses in your personality. You overcome your fears slowly but surely.2. Myth
It is a delusion that travelling alone is boring, lonesome and unsafe. You get the ample time to ponder on yourself. Infact there is no time to get bored as you have so much to do by yourself. Travel by local buses, get engaged in conversation with the locals, eat at famous outlets.You get to know yourself. If you can be your best companion no one else can it's as simple as that. There are no strangers here, Only the friends you haven't met.3. Freedom

You have the freedom to make choices by yourself and do whatever pleases you. This time there won't be any obligations to succumb to your friend's choice. The sense of having wings can't be described in words.
4. Growth

Travelling involves instances where you have to leave your comfort zone behind and step into a new world. A world which is new to you, it might be you will end up loving or not so loving it. But one thing is for sure 'Growth of your personality'It will make you stronger and sharper. H orlics has an advantage of making you taller as well.
5. Happy life

Tell me why you came on this planet and what for? Sitting at one place won't solve your queries. Great people were always travelers. You don't know what your next birth will bring to u whether you'll get the chance or not.Also money should not hamper your belief. Work hard and party harder. Prepare your bucket list and start exploring new avenues so that at last you won't die of regrets. There are people who have crossed this planet and traveled the space. We are not going beyond our city. I think one life's span would be less to cover every nook and cranny of this earth. So don't wait, start packing.
6. Healthy lifestyle
If you are travelling often, you don't need any extra pumping or gyming as journeys sometimes become strenuous. My visit to Goa for a week left me 5 kilos lighter; running, playing on beach, walking miles for local sight-seeing.
7. Break the stereotype
That it is a boy thing only. In today's world we demand equality, it should be visible in our actions too. Let your daughters see new horizons, not making her feel less privileged than her male counterparts. We change bring the change only if we are a part of that change.
To start with my beautiful land-India. She is on her toes to uplift her daughters but amidst we have a vast section if seeing a women alone starts asking where is your brother, husband or father. Why are you here alone? Since childhood I have been hearing, no you can't go with your friends. We will go on our own. Completely understanding the concern of our parents. Seeing the kinda news that flashes on channels everyday their fear is right, they have seen more of this world. But this should not hamper our ambitions. HOW TO DO RIGHT :
1. Groundwork
Have some pre gathered information of the area handy even if you have to ask a local person something you are not blank. Chances of getting duped decreases in such cases. Book your hotels prior visit. Now we have so many options like Tripoto, Indiamike, Tripadvisor, ghumakkar.com, etcto present with our choice of hotel along with reviews and itinerary everything at your disposal. Spend more on staying safe. The hotel should be well known and having good ratings. Many guest houses provide pick and drop services in case you get late.
This was the govt lodge in Uttrakhand, booked it on friends recommendation, he works as a govt official there - Very economical and having all the facilities.

2. Power Bank

Carry an extra battery back up to avoid chances of getting screwed up. When you are travelling solo you are your everything. No friend will be there to share his mobile phone, keep it in mind.
3. Google maps
Not all who wander are lost as now we have google maps all time with us offline too. Keep your phone charged up before leaving so that you can make full use of it.
4. Cash
My mother always gives me ample cash before leaving though I am earning myself. It just gives her a sense of relief if I get stuck somewhere, money can pull me out. But also warns me to not keep all my money at one place, in case of pick pocketing I might end up losing all. It also happened once I was on a school trip and we were waiting for a metro, I was tired and sitting all lost that I forgot to pick my wallet with me.. At that time school kids didn't use to have mobile phones or cash cards.The precap was that I could not shop for my family; while others were filling their bags.
5. Pepper Spray
You never know when you might need it. Being a girl you find can find lewd creatures on your way.

Keep yourself ready to make a emergency call to your family. Have apps like telltail, police nearby, shake2safety, etc installed in your phone. Safetipin is one of the best in the kind having GPS tracking, energency calling, directions of safe locations, etc. It also enables users to pin unsafe & safe areas to help others Don't disclose your plans with the stranger. Listen to everyone's advice but trust your guts at the end.
6. Indulge in the culture

Blend in to avoid unnecessary attention. One such instance was that we went to the hills. Me being a Delhite could not stop myself from wearing my best. Now the people are very simple and grounded in the villages & me and my friend were wearing make up that was bizarre for them. Try to avoid such situations when travelling solo. Dip yourself in the Ganges of their traditions and rituals, you'll not learn cultural harmony but it's very amusing that you did something you don't do often.
7. Language Barrier
Many a times in our country only going from north to south, languages change so drastically that all the hoardings can be seen in their native languages. We can't learn the language just for the sake of a week. In such cases use Google Translator and Photo Translator Free, a mobile app that translates the language using your mobile's camera.

8. All Girls Gang
Nowadays we can see many posts on facebook regarding all girls trip to Leh Ladakh. There is website also, called which organises women only trips and events in India. You can meet fantastic, like-minded lasses on the trip and who knows you can become best friends for life! and show it to the boys that many girls can stay together peacefully. *wink*9. Start It Easy
Pick up easy to get to and familiar cultures to start with your voyage.Don't get overconfident in 2-3 trips only. We will get to the virtuoso level gradually and can cut our unnecessary expenses with the experience.
Life is unpredictable, we don't what's gonna happen the next moment all we can do is to be precautious. Live in the present, make your memories for life #YOLO You Only Live Once. You have learnt some of the tidbits so now Don't Forget To Twerk It Miley! Chuckles.
The post was originally published on Shongruff.