Like they say, every accomplishment was once believed Impossible.. Today was when we had to cross 'The Gadsar Pass' at an height of 13800 Ft,This was the day we had the toughest steep inclination climb and this was for me the most dreaded day however with a lot of motivation and tips from our guides and co-trekkers we crossed and survived the pass 😬
And at that point when we were up there was when I felt most happy coz I realized the harder the climb the greater the Accomplishment ☺️
Give yourself your due credit for making it to the top, coz you know how much you worked hard to reach there. 3 months before the trek is when I started my training, early morning cardio on the treadmill with inclination to Max for 20-25 mins, climbing 7 floors of staircase up and down two to three times and then a lot of ground workouts like Lunges, abs and stretching muscles in addition to that I would go for 5km walks with a backpack of atleast 2 kgs in the evenings..
3 months of intense dedication towards my strength and endurance just so that at any given point during the trek I shouldn't feel that I cannot do it.. However there were times where I would feel that I cannot do it but it was only my mind telling me that, but my body was trained to do it and hence I was able to finish the trek only stronger..
And after this point of the Gadsar Pass I thought it was all done with the toughest days of the trek till I faced the last day of the trek 🙈
Every person has a different threshold and different perspective of what is difficult the climb or the descent, in my case I clearly understood descent is the toughest for me, it really killed my knees even though I had the bands on my knees.. But like I said, you train yourself that you do not give up, you will feel the pain but you know that you can finish this and that's exactly what happened though at a slower pace but we finished the trek.
Always believe in your pace, try to make peace with your pace, it's OK if your slow its ok if your fast, it's OK if people have walked way ahead of you, it's OK of people are way behind you, you need to be comfortable at your pace and enjoy your trek. #travelthrowback