Photo of VASHISHT KUND 1/2 by Saurabh Singh
Photo of VASHISHT KUND 2/2 by Saurabh Singh

The place is located few kilometers away from Manali. The beautiful small village located east of the Beas river, spread the energy of positivity and is a veritable backpackers paradise. Locals and tourists love to visit this place which gives tremendous view of nature and provide inner satisfaction deep in the sole. Vashistha village is extremely significant when it comes to the heritage Indian hindu culture as one of the saptrishis rishi Vashistha stayed there for sometime. There is a hot water spring known as kund. According to legend the saddened Rishi Vashisht after knowing that his children were killed by Vishwamitra tried to commit suicide, but the river refused to kill him. The river was therefore named as Vipasha which means ' freedom from bondage'. It was later shortened to Beas River. He began mediating and vowed to start his new life. The Vashisht temple is believed to be more than 4000 years old.

There is also ancient stone temple of Lord Rama adjacent to the Vashisht temple. The place is an important Hindu Pilgrimage centre. The hot spring of the village are believed to have been created by Lakshman, the younger brother of Lord Ram. The creation of the spring is associated with the belief that since Lakshman, did not want the sage Vashisht to have to walk too far for a bath, he shot an arrow into the ground and the hot springs emerged.
Vashisht offers excellent view of the Beas River and the Old Manali. The river valley spread below at sunset gives an excellent sight and great for photography.