To Book or Not to Book - Journal Entry of an Anxious Traveller

Photo of To Book or Not to Book - Journal Entry of an Anxious Traveller by Sushantika

Dear Diary,

It’s been awhile since I’ve penned a travel experience for your contemplation. But the last trip I took was in January this year, right before the coronavirus pandemic took over. I miss the addictive feeling of scoping out a destination, tracking flights and booking a ticket. Finding a homestay or hotel with a great view. The thrill of counting down the days till I get to travel and the lack of sleep from the excitement, the night before. Arriving at the destination and wondering what local dish to try for breakfast after an early morning flight.

It’s not just planning that I miss, but the learnings along the way. Travel has always led to great life lessons and new perspectives about myself and the world.

Living in the moment

The road trip through Meghalaya taught me how to find stillness under millions of stars and enjoy a cup of steaming chai. I found comfort in the beauty of the universe that cold, December night.

Finding my direction

Riding the metro in Hong Kong taught me how to read signs better. You know I’m terrible at finding my way or reading maps! But this experience gave me the confidence to find my favourite patisserie in Pondicherry from a decade ago, with maps.

Compassion and kindness

Vietnam taught me about forgiveness. The local Vietnamese people, though hurt by war, always welcome visitors with open arms - even if they are war veterans from countries that attacked Vietnam. The Vietnamese people don’t believe in holding grudges but instead remind themselves that the soldiers are not to blame for what the governments had decided at the time.

Uncertainty and silver linings

The failed attempt at the Valley of Flowers trek proved that you can’t plan everything in life. Uttarakhand was flooding and we had to skip the trek due to the wrath of the Ganges at the time. We found our way to Badami, Karnataka. A gorgeous location filled with ancient ruins and kind locals who even made the effort to pack me dinner for my train ride. It reminded me of the good in the world and that things turn out for the better, always.

Go with the flow

The Dudhsagar trek taught me that you don’t need much to enjoy life - just a roof over your head, food, friendship and an openness to experiences. ‘Going with the flow’ might lead you to towering waterfalls through torrential rain. And even if you’re exhausted you feel like the luckiest girl in the world!

Happiness is in the little things

The gorgeous Gandikota and Belum Caves showed me that there is much to discover within India. That happiness is sitting atop a rock and staring at clouds creating shadows in the gorge below. You find a temple at a distance and marvel at what life must have been like centuries ago.

The last trip before COVID-19

Funnily enough, I was traveling while the virus took over China and Southeast Asia. Do you remember how much I was looking forward to spending Chinese New Year in Malaysia in January, 2020? It had been on my list for a long time and I’d finally managed to experience it all! Chinese temples lit up in bright red, Lion Dances, the smoky air filled with earnest prayers and incense. The festive atmosphere with delicious street food. The joy of trying new things and running towards the celebratory Dragon Dances, while balancing a bubble tea in my hand.

Unfortunately the trip was cut short, because of COVID-19. I was to visit Penang and stay at a hostel alone for the very first time! But the virus had affected Hong Kong and Singapore. Travellers were encouraged to leave for their home countries to avoid quarantine measures that were expected to take over at any moment in Malaysia.

Despite the disappointment of skipping Penang, I was enjoying my trip. Hand sanitizer, staying away from overwhelming crowds and ensuring cleanliness are habits I always follow. Perhaps this kept me safe from infections. Or perhaps I didn’t feel anxious because ‘ignorance is bliss’. But the virus didn’t stop me from living in the moment and experiencing the joy of travel.

Chicken soup for the traveller’s soul

If I had to look back at all my lessons from travels, it’s that uncertainty leads to a life of discovery. Life’s full of detours, road bends and the chance of falling sick in a new place are high. But like any great trip - it requires research, some planning and safety precautions that ensure you have the best time on that vacation! The rest of it is best enjoyed with an open mind.

I don’t know when I’ll get to travel this freely again. But my bones almost ache from being indoors post January, 2020. The pandemic has changed the way the world travels, perhaps permanently. While it’s prudent to take precautions, life is too short to stop travelling. After all, it’s what makes life worth living. Speaking of which, Goa has opened its doors to travellers - do you think it’s time for yet another (sanitized) road trip with the girls?