Disclaimer - This is a positive article!
I am writing this article because today, I feel immensely proud and am heartily thankful to people who might be strangers but were compassionate humans when asked for help. I feel so relieved and have lived the mantra of 'human for human'.

Ever since the news of COVID-19 hit us for the first time in 2020, we have been living under constant stress and information of an unprecedented surge in cases that keep falling on us. This is distressing, and many are beginning to lose hope. No amount of money or power is of use these days; everyone just wishes silently that the COVID-19 virus somehow vanishes. We are aching to get back to work, travel, walk outside and most importantly, live freely.
It's not getting any easier
Many people lost their jobs; they had to migrate to their states. As if the first wave was not enough, the second wave has hit us even more fiercely. There is a dearth of basically everything in the market, especially in the pharma industry. There is a shortage in vaccines, ventilators, oxygen cylinders, injections, medicines, hospitals, beds, ambulances, and god knows what more! We hear news about people in India running from place to place and touching corner to corner to save the lives of their loved ones. People are getting infected, panicking to fulfil the demands; some, unfortunately, are even losing lives.

Even the slightest bit of help is going a long way
But amidst all this, there is hope, a silver lining that binds each one of us together. That, for me, was the day of knowing more about human nature and the power that technology has embarked on. So, this happened when a friend's relative got infected with COVID-19 and was fighting for his life on a ventilator. He had put up a post on WhatsApp, and in no time, I saw familiar friends putting it up on their statuses too. Although they could have just scrolled on, it was beautiful to see how people were trying to spread the message in their circles to help a person they didn't even know.

My part came after this. By thinking of making the best use of social media, I had put it on Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram etc. Following this was even more beautiful to experience. In no time, people started to exponentially share the same post and contributed in whichever way. Numbers, messages, groups, lists began pouring in. We made it a point to contact each one of those. Finally, after a day, we were successful in gaining the trust of a donor. He came like a god and just relieved all of us.
Good people exist and they are fighting like heroes. Not only that, they are serving food, distributing rations, helping patients in coronavirus wards, fighting to save lives, and are on roads arresting the nuisance.

We're all in this together
While looking out for the donor, I learnt so much about the system in a day. But one of the most important things is that the situation is out of control, and there are many people who are to be blamed for this. But instead of spreading hate and anger, why can't all of us just put our minds and be a hero in someone's life. You see, time is a variable and is reserved for everyone equally; it's on us what we choose to do with it.
Thank you for landing on this page. It is a pleasure finding you. Do let me know about your experiences during this pandemic.
Drop your handle in the comments. Also, if you are into stories or poetry, I am your girl. Connect with me on my blog and Instagram. I would be the happiest to see you on the other side.
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