10 Things That Happens To Indians When They Move Abroad


When we travel, we relinquish the idea of familiarity and tame maudlin nostalgia only to splurge on hard-hitting mix of emotions. Moving to a newer land generates a sense of open-mindedness and broadens the horizons, but a homeland is where you create unforgettable memories and irreplaceable friendships.
If your heart has ever succumbed to the breathtaking beauty of India and its charming people, then here's a quick look at the things you'll miss once you move abroad. 

1. The streets won't feel the same without tempting and delightful street food stalls. 

Photo of 10 Things That Happens To Indians When They Move Abroad 1/10 by Harleen Kalsi

2. You won't celebrate festivals in the same fashion anymore - Only in India the messier it is, the merrier it gets! 

Photo of 10 Things That Happens To Indians When They Move Abroad 2/10 by Harleen Kalsi

3. You may have all the foreign shenanigans to soak in, but Cricket World cup madness isn't something you would want to miss.

Photo of 10 Things That Happens To Indians When They Move Abroad 3/10 by Harleen Kalsi

4. A midnight walk across river Seine in Paris is nothing like savoring on sweet chuskis at India Gate or a stroll along the mesmerizing marine drive boulevard in Mumbai

Photo of 10 Things That Happens To Indians When They Move Abroad 4/10 by Harleen Kalsi

5. You'll miss the feeling of being a local. 

Photo of 10 Things That Happens To Indians When They Move Abroad 5/10 by Harleen Kalsi

6. There won't be exclusive ''Dabbawallas'' to deliver you fresh homemade food. 

Photo of 10 Things That Happens To Indians When They Move Abroad 6/10 by Harleen Kalsi

7. ''Jugaad'' is where the flexibilities are, and it's from your country that you've learned to apply these sharp lifehacks to survive on a daily basis.  

Photo of 10 Things That Happens To Indians When They Move Abroad 7/10 by Harleen Kalsi

8. Patriotism will hit you when you least expect it! 

Photo of 10 Things That Happens To Indians When They Move Abroad 8/10 by Harleen Kalsi

9. You'll have to hone your driving skills because other countries have laws. 

Photo of 10 Things That Happens To Indians When They Move Abroad 9/10 by Harleen Kalsi

10. And you'll finally realize the value of life on a shoe-string. 

Photo of 10 Things That Happens To Indians When They Move Abroad 10/10 by Harleen Kalsi

It doesn’t matter where you go, your homeland’s comfort and chaos remains unmatched and incomparable! 

Image Credits: Street foodColours of HoliCricket World CupMarine Drive MumbaiDabbawallasDrivingJugaadLocalTumblrDrivingSavings