I was never a Bollywood buff. But little did I know what was going to happen in my life in 2015. If some astrologer had told me I was going to live a story no less than a cliche romantic movie (except dancing in saree in the snow, that is never happening), I would have outright laughed out loud!
From a workaholic lawyer, gym junkie and and travel buff, I didn't have any romance in life. Travel was my only love. But then universe had its own plans and this is how the miracle happened! I never wanted to tick boxes when I met the 'right' person, instead wished I would find a friend with whom I could travel the world. Such things only happened in movies right?
Chapter 1: Jab Mumbai Girl Met Sydney Boy

I always thank my friend Pooja, who pushed me to go for a party with her for a club opening called 'Kitty Su.' The club was buzzing with people who were ready to make new friends or one night stands. It was a Saturday night and all I wanted to do was get in my comforter, watch something silly on my laptop and sleep! But then I had promised her I will stay till midnight and leave. Like the modern day cindrella, but not in disguise. It was only an hour before midnight. And there I was, standing in a corner awkwardly.
Chapter 2: The First Chat

So this is the moment when the guy whose accent was rather difficult to understand in the midst of loud music, who lived in Singapore but was an Indian Australian, was visiting Mumbai for a friends wedding which was in Chandigarh!
Abhishek spotted me standing in a corner with my friend getting bored and something told him to go and talk to me. Once he started talking to me it was hard for me to believe that he was a genuine guy and all my years of watching crime shows flashed in front of my eyes.
Before I left the club, he added me on his Facebook, and I thought it was safer than giving my number. I obviously did all the due diligence on him before accepting the request and thought, "What's the harm in it? I can always remove him from my friends if I find him being fishy and I will be extra cautious."
Chapter 3: I Found My Best Friend

He started texting me on Facebook and asked my WhatsApp number. He then sent me his friends wedding pictures, random updates, and all I would do is reply in one word. But before leaving India he asked me if I would like to meet him for dinner. At first I said outright no, but then eventually said yes to a coffee. I mean what can go wrong on a coffee date, also considering I chose a cafe that was close to my house!
After that meeting, there was something special that we both instantly felt, but we didn't admit that we liked each other. We organically stayed friends, he left for Singapore on the night he met me for coffee and I went back home with no expectations.
Even after he went back to Singapore we organically kept in touch via texts, and I would question myself again and again, why am I talking to this guy? Do we even have a future? I was looking for something serious, but at the same time I decided to go with the flow. He came several times to meet me in Mumbai for weekends and we slowly realised we liked each other. So once we had started trusting each other, I went to Singapore to meet his friends, and to get to know more about his life. We then travelled different countries together and realised we were the best travel partners we could ever find for each other!
Chapter 4: Surviving Long Distance

It's never easy to be in a long distance relationship. You either dread a long distance relationship and don't commit to it, or ride the crazy wave of emotions! So after approximately 12 months of meeting each other in different cities, exploring new countries and multiple trips to Singapore and Mumbai, we came to the conclusion that we needed to be in the same. And how did that happen? We moved to Sydney! I always wanted to do my masters and he loved the thought of moving back to his home town. After all love doesn't come to you without sacrifices!
Chapter 5: Finally, a Goan Sunset and A Big Fat Indian Wedding

After one and half years of dating and untold promises of being with each other forever, he proposed and I said yes! And being a Bollywood buff, Abhishek wanted to have a big fat Indian wedding. I only one criteria - that it had to be in Goa on a beach during the sunset which is our favourite place till date.
Thats it, that's all I wanted. No one can beat the Goan sunset.
Chapter 6: The Final Destination

Being travellers at heart we want to experience what the world has to offer. To learn from our mistakes and from the world. Growing as a couple means sacrifices for each other, adapting to new surroundings and making new friends along the way. It's not just about settling down and living the everyday life , it's about making new memories along with living the everyday life.
I thank my stars I stayed patient and did not fall prey to my relatives comments that the 'clock is ticking', 'you are getting old', 'girls MUST get married by 30.' I stood my ground strong and focusing my energies on what I felt was right for me.
I wanted to feel a connection, to be able to trust and to finally know I can be with someone who is my best friend who loves to explore just like I do. Of course education, job and a good family are some things which are unsaid. But once you take a leap of faith you will know miracle happen.
And I know many of you are going to say - what if the risk isn't worth it? By the end of our story I assure you, you will start believing (incase you don't believe in miracles), that everything is meant to be. And maybe you'll find your everything on your next trip!?
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