Alot was been discussed previously about this world highest statue.
We as a citizen of India instead feeling proud about it also had many questions as in that amount should have been utilised for something else & why for this statue.?
So let me clear all the questions to which people have in their minds.
The Statue Of Unity has provided a numerous amount of employment to the people. Wherein over the years it was just a so called village today because of this it has created employment to many people.
In future there are many prospects coming up which will soon lead this place to a tourist attraction & adventure sports would also be seen in the coming days.
Valley of Flowers wherein various flowers are been brought here & are grown of this rocks.
Food court & the facilities provided here are almost a class apart.
It was a clear vision of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel who wanted to create the dam for the purpose of people getting adequate amount of water. Rather than the water directly which runs into the sea; which should be stored & may be useful at the time of drought. Untill I knew his true story & the story behind the Sardar Sarovar Dam being create it makes me feel proud today as a citizen of India. While the dam is being made of the rocks of Maharashtra & the Narmada which flows from Madhya Pradesh which allows the state of Gujarat to have adequate supply of water.
Meanwhile Madhya Pradesh receives 57%, Maharashtra 27% Rajasthan receives 9% & Gujarat receives 16% supply of water from Sardar Sarovar Dam. It has various hydro electric projects & some canals built there.
People questioning this project should have a visit once. Instead we as a citizens should be proud of such achievement that our contry is growing strongly.
I feel proud to be a citizen of such a country wherein the history of such people is not known much cause we did hate history subjects in our childhood. But yes such projects makes us realise the true leader they were.
We're no where near the contribution that this leader made for our country. He never believed in dividing people. His only strength & belief was to unite India & yes he has united all the religions.
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel would always be an inspiration to many. He would always remain the superhero for our country.
#JaiHind🇮🇳 #StateOfUnity #PrideOfIndia #SardarSarovarDam