Solo travel is a life changing experience for me which makes me discover what kind of person I’m. As a person I always prefer to travel alone because I get to know more about my own personality and what I enjoy.
Initially I hesitated and I wasn’t sure about me that I can make this possible or not but I get out of my comfort zone and almost two and half year ago I did my first solo trip to Himachal Pradesh. After that trip I get to know that travelling alone was the most amazing thing for me. I do things on my own ,met new peoples, learn their tradition their culture and many more things.
Travelling alone makes me a person I wasn’t before. People always ask how travel has changed me. If I look back at who I was before I began traveling and compare that to who I am now, I would have to say that travel has made me a better and more well-rounded person. I’m way cooler than i used to be before. In fact, I think travel makes everybody a more awesome person. We end our travels way better off than when we started.

Want to travel alone? You’re not the only one! Travelling alone will change your life. Any form of wandering around this beautiful planet will bring changes and improvement to the lives of those with restless feet, but there’s something special about solo adventures.
Travelling by yourself means not being able to rely on anyone else to get the most out of your trips. It means you are left to navigate your place in the world, to embrace or avoid the ever-changing call of the wild. No matter where you go and what you do, it will change you.
Of course, single travel has its perils too—such as safety concerns, loneliness, and the dreaded single supplement. But a little preparation and common sense can save you money and get you through the rough spots.
Here are some reasons why you should travel alone:
You’ll Become More Creative
After time spent travelling places alone and soaking up the world around you, your self creation and imagination will definitely going to increase.
More Social
After travelling alone You either get better at making friends or you end up alone, crying each night into a pillow. You learn to make friends out of strangers and get more comfortable talking to new people.
When I first started traveling, I was kind of an introvert and uncomfortable talking to those I didn’t know. Now, I’ll happily talk to strangers like we’ve been best friends for years.
Better at conversation
Travel not only makes you comfortable talking to strangers, it makes you better at it too. After talking to people all the time, the same questions get boring. You start to even bore yourself. After a while, you don’t care about where people are from, where they are going, how long they’ve been traveling, and yada yada yada. Those kinds of questions don’t actually tell you anything about the person. You’ll get better at small talk and how to ask interesting questions — the ones that matter and tell you more about the person.
It Can improve Your Mental Health
For anybody out there reading this and struggling with mental health, I want you to know it’s worth pushing through the despair; fighting until you feel mentally strong enough to book that plane ticket of your own. Travel is, without a doubt, the fastest way you can grow as a human being and turn your life into an inspired one. I used to be very skinny and in stress but after starting travelling I’m totally a different person now.
It Makes you Happy
Travel simply teaches you how to be happy. You’ll become more relaxed, more confident, and see the world as a brighter place. How can you not be happy about life after all of that?
Think about all the famous, successful people in the world. How many of these qualities do those people exhibit? A lot. Why? Because being outgoing, funny, social, happy, confident, and smart are all qualities that make people more successful in everyday life.

Travel makes people better people. When you learn more about the world and the people in it, push your boundaries, and try new things, you become a more open, outgoing, and awesome person. All the people I’ve known who have traveled are better people because of it.
With all the ways a trip can make you more of an awesome person, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be planning your next adventure now — whether it’s around the world or just a short vacation to Goa.
You can sit at home, wishing you were somewhere exotic, having fun, and doing something cool.
It Makes You Way More Flexible And Adaptable
Solo travel doesn’t always go to plan especially when flight delays & cancellations are involved. You’ll learn how to deal with these types of scenarios and learn from them.
After a while, you learn how to adapt your plans to changing situations. You don’t get mad, you don’t get angry; you just alter what you are doing and move on.
You’ll Get To Know Who You Are
Solo travel is a life changing experience which makes you discover what kind of person you are. You get to know more about your own personality and what you enjoy.

You learn how to get out of your comfort zone, do things on your own and sometimes you even get to surprise yourself.
It Will Teaches you How To be Independent
Travelling alone taught me how to be happy in my own company. Earlier I always relied on other person and I was totally dependent on others.

But now travelling made me grow as a person and became very independent. Now I know what makes me happy and I love to spend time on my own.
It is better to sit alone and relax at a beautiful beach with beer in your hand rather than doing nothing!