Sikkim Bans Tourist Entry Into The State Till October 2020


In this deadly battle against the novel coronavirus in India, Sikkim seems to remain a step ahead of this dreaded epidemic. The only Indian state with zero reported cases of COVID-19 so far, Sikkim has succeeded in keeping the dangerous virus from entering its borders. And in an effort to remain coronavirus free, the Himalayan state has decided to close its border to tourists till October this year.

Photo of Sikkim Bans Tourist Entry Into The State Till October 2020 1/1 by Debopriya Sarkar
Sikkim is the only Indian state with zero reported cases of COVID-19 so far.

According to various news reports, the state government has decided to take precautionary measures to keep both domestic and international tourists from entering the state. Sikkim has been very proactive in taking preventive measures to stop the spread of the disease. Though the state has remained corona-free so far, it has been criticised about its low testing figures. Only 81 samples have been sent for COVID-19 testing from the state which has a population of nearly 7 lakhs.

Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur and Tripura have also been declared as coronavirus free by the central government on Monday. No new COVID-19 cases have been reported in these states in the past few days.