Sarnath - When the Divine Forces Combine


Sarnath which was known as the "deer park" is the ideal place to go when you have to visit the best areas of spiritual bliss. See the land of Sarnath, and enjoy all the sculptures and buildings which have been a major source of attraction here amongst tourists. When in India, get enlightened. Situated around 12 km from the city of Varanasi, and is the main site where Buddha first taught Dharma. After Buddha got enlightenment, this is the place where he taught Dharma. Out of the Buddhist sites in India, Sarnath is one of the holy sites. Lumbini, Kushinagar and Bodh Gaya, are the other three Buddhist regions. Lumbini is known for being the birth place of Lord Buddha, Bodh Gaya is for enlightenment and Kushinagar for death.

Photo of Sarnath - When the Divine Forces Combine 1/1 by Kanika Sharma
Sarnath - When the Divine Forces Combine

Sarnath which was known as the "deer park" is the ideal place to go when you have to visit the best areas of spiritual bliss. The name Sarnath comes from the word Sarnath, which means "Lord of the Deer" and is related to another story where the Bodhisattva is a deer and gives his life to a royal king in place of the doe, which he plans to kill. The king feels very sorry and he creates a park which is a beautiful garden. This is a deer sanctuary which is the ideal place to go on a spiritual tour.

When Buddha got enlightenment he went for a visit to Sarnath. He went in search of his former companions. He then taught them and gave them a lesson on how to be enlightenment. The entire thing is known as the wheel of the Dharma. It also marks the discovery of the Sangha, which means the community of monks.

The first lesson that Buddha gave was given at Sarnath. It is called Pali and is the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta. There are other Suttas which are a great mode of teaching. Here is where he derived the Four Noble Truths which is related to the meaning of life. Then he also told the world about the Eightfold Path which is the right way to live.

Buddha spent the rainy season in these serene surroundings, at Sarnath. It is at the Mulagandhakuti Vihara that this was done. The whole Sangha has grown today to around 60 such centres. The religion of Buddhism progressed in this land of Sarnath. This also grew under the patronage of kings and all the wealthy traders, who lived near the city of Varanasi. Sarnath became a great centre for arts and the 3rd centre saw the development of arts in this time. The entire growth reached a peak during the rule of the Guptas between 4th and the 6th century. When the Chinese traveler Hsuan Tsang visited India in the 7th century then he discovered around 30 monasteries, which has around 3000 monks living in the city.

This city is today a main centre of the Sammatiya Buddhist cult. This is also one of the Hinayana schools. There are images of Tara and Heruka which show the Vajrayana Buddhism being practiced in this area. By the time it was 12th century, Sarnath was attacked by the Muslims from Turkey. Then there was more plundering etc. but today Sarnath has settled to becoming, a very great place for meditation and peaceful living.

See the land of Sarnath, and enjoy all the sculptures and buildings which have been a major source of attraction here amongst tourists.