Reminiscing Travel Experiences That Have Stayed With me Forever #MemoryLane

Photo of Reminiscing Travel Experiences That Have Stayed With me Forever #MemoryLane by thewanderjoy

On the Tiger's Trail - Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve

This was a long-awaited wish to trail the unchallenged hero of the jungle, the Royal Bengal Tiger. After a long 17-hour train journey (Mumbai to Katni ) + 2-hour road trip (Katni to Bandhavgarh), I reached the tiger country on a really cold, late January evening. The pre-dawn and post lunch safaris in search of the elusive tiger were the best to feel the freshness of the jungles, and witness the fauna and flora upclose. Though I wasn’t lucky enough to spot any tiger, but the 3 days spent in the wilderness, away from the din of the city, with limited to no technology around - was a welcome break indeed. These safaris helped me reconnect with myself, doing what I loved the most - photography. Also in the process, I attempted to search for the "tiger within me".

Photo of Bandhavgarh National Park, Bandhavgarh, Tala, Madhya Pradesh, India by thewanderjoy

Travelling solo like a local resident through the backwaters in Kerala

Photo of Reminiscing Travel Experiences That Have Stayed With me Forever #MemoryLane by thewanderjoy

I was on my first solo trip, to God’s own country. After 2 wonderful days at Poovar island, I reached the Venice of the East – Alappuzha (Alleppey) nestled by the longest lake in India - Vembanad and in the heart of the rice bowl of Kerala. The backwater experience of Kerala is something that everyone partakes – on massive kettuvallams or smaller shikara boats. But for the more authentic experience – to get to witness village life by the backwaters I travelled like a local. The Govt. Waterways department has a See Kuttanadu trip which is a 2-hour backwater experience from the upper deck of a local boat. In my opinion this was a very wise decision on multiple grounds – I got the most authentic experience of how the backwaters, while being exotic for tourists, is an essential part of the local life – it’s their roadway, their fishing pond, their swimming pool and much more. As people got on and off the various jetties, you get to see people going about their life by the backwaters and the paddy fields of Kuttanad. And this is the cheapest way to see the backwaters – a 2-hour trip on the upper deck costs just Rs. 120. Many a times, we travellers tend to overlook that a rich experience may come from trying to live the local life, rather than follow itinerated schedules.

I had made a vlog on this experience : Click here to view

Photo of Reminiscing Travel Experiences That Have Stayed With me Forever #MemoryLane by thewanderjoy
Photo of Reminiscing Travel Experiences That Have Stayed With me Forever #MemoryLane by thewanderjoy
Photo of Reminiscing Travel Experiences That Have Stayed With me Forever #MemoryLane by thewanderjoy
Photo of Reminiscing Travel Experiences That Have Stayed With me Forever #MemoryLane by thewanderjoy
Photo of Reminiscing Travel Experiences That Have Stayed With me Forever #MemoryLane by thewanderjoy

Hot Air Ballooning over Masai Mara

My first African Safari is one of my most favourite trips. However, the crowning glory of that trip is the hot air balloon ride over the Savannah. We woke up grudgingly at 4 am on a chilly morning, and headed 10kms away to the ballooning site while the stars still shone bright in the African sky. The balloons were not yet inflated. As we watched, the pilots and other helpers switched on the massive gas burners heating the air, and filling up the balloons. While the wicker baskets still lay on ground we boarded them 12 people + the pilot in one balloon. As the balloon filled up with hot air, and it gradually started lifting off, it was another experience. As the trees got left behind, the vastness of the African savannah became apparent. Hundreds of miles of verdant green spread on all sides, interspersed with lone trees and small shrubs, and a lone hill / mound rising randomly as a pimple from the ground. And looking down you could see the residents of the grasslands going about their life – hippos wallowing in the Mara river, elephant herds traversing, a couple of giraffes looking for tall trees to eat, herds of zebras, buffalos, and antelopes grazing peacefully. The steady state disturbed occasionally by a cheetah in pursuit of pray, or a cackle of hyenas. I could have forever stayed in this state of blissful suspension, but a lovely breakfast awaited us under an acacia tree, right in the middle of the open savannah – with topi, zebras, and hyenas for company.

Photo of Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya by thewanderjoy
Photo of Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya by thewanderjoy
Photo of Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya by thewanderjoy
Photo of Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya by thewanderjoy

Finding spiritual bliss at the Buddha’s Footsteps at Bodhgaya

This would be one of my most spiritually fulfilling trips yet. The travel to Bodhgaya and the chance to be in the precincts of the Mahabodhi temple – the very site with Siddhartha Gautam became The Buddha. As soon as I walked past the crowds and entered the precincts of the temple, a surreal calm engulfed me. Though I was super excited at finally arriving at the temple and exploring all its corner, I just felt as though I was rooted at one spot, from where I had to gaze unblinkingly at the sight. Difficult for me to describe that feeling in words. The harmony that I experienced there was quite surreal - monks of different nationalities from all over South East Asia, devout worshippers from various parts of India, tourists from the Western world and travellers like me – all bowing down to the master in unison, sitting deep in meditation and rituals in various parts of the temple complex, butter lamps and prayer flags fluttering in the breeze – this entire spectacle is something that I will keep reminiscing in my heart forever

Photo of Bodh Gaya, Bihar, India by thewanderjoy
Photo of Bodh Gaya, Bihar, India by thewanderjoy
Photo of Bodh Gaya, Bihar, India by thewanderjoy
Photo of Bodh Gaya, Bihar, India by thewanderjoy
Photo of Bodh Gaya, Bihar, India by thewanderjoy

Looking over the Vltava from Letna

Photo of Letna Park, Letná, Prague 7, Czechia by thewanderjoy

My best memory from my Prague trip, will be the evening spent at Letna Park. Located in the little town area, along the Vltava directly overlooking the Stare Mesto (Old Town), is this large wooded / green area over a plateau that accords lovely views of the city overlooking the river. A good time would be to visit this place in the late afternoon where skaters and joggers take over the park, and watch as the lights come on in the old and little town. A beautiful sight to see the river meandering through Prague.

As me and my friend sat there from early evening through sunset – seeing the changing hues of the city, the sky and the river; watching as the lights came up on the bridges and the surrounding buildings – and their reflections on the Vltava; shivering under multiple layers of woollens; drinking that single local draught beer bought from our last available change; just watching local guys and girls catch up after a day of work, while we were on a vacation – such small inconspicuous events, but converted into indelible memories.

Photo of Letna Park, Letná, Prague 7, Czechia by thewanderjoy
Photo of Letna Park, Letná, Prague 7, Czechia by thewanderjoy
Photo of Letna Park, Letná, Prague 7, Czechia by thewanderjoy
Photo of Letna Park, Letná, Prague 7, Czechia by thewanderjoy
Photo of Letna Park, Letná, Prague 7, Czechia by thewanderjoy