Pondicherry - My love at first sight - First Solo Trip

28th Jun 2019

"As you travel solo, being totally responsible for yourself, it’s inevitable that you will discover just how capable you are!" It makes you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.

Photo of Pondicherry - My love at first sight - First Solo Trip by Manik Gupta

I couldn’t really believe it was happening. Yes, I was going, I was going for my first solo trip to one among the topmost destinations for a solo traveler in India. Pondicherry it was going to be. I was so very excited for this. After almost 2 months of dreaming, visualizing, reading blogs, watching videos, I had finally booked my tickets.

It was very thrilling till the time I was fantasizing to go, but a day before my departure, to my surprise I was a little nervous. I left late at night from Bangalore, and reached Pondicherry by 5:30am. As I didn’t want to miss viewing the sunrise, I went straight towards the Rock Beach. Even before getting there, I could hear the water waves. And as soon as I reached, My Gaawwwddd, what a pleasing sight that was. I could see the horizon and it looked so delightful. I sat there for two hours but my bad, the clouds dominated that day. So I directed towards Auroville to get my pass for visiting the Matri Mandir next day. Later that evening, I took a walk around the city. The buildings of the French Colony were spectacular to see, all depicting the French Style Architecture. There was this craft market nearby Promenade which had so many beautiful items to choose from. Taking a walk through Promenade I went through the French War Memorial, Mahatma Gandhi Statue, Statue of Dupleix. At last, I sat at the extreme end. It was so beautiful to feel those water waves under my feet. The sea looking dark at night, you can see those water splashes or water waves in white color. It felt so magnificent.


Photo of Promenade Beach, Puducherry by Manik Gupta

Along the path of the Promenade

Photo of Promenade Beach, Puducherry by Manik Gupta

Promenade Beach

Photo of Promenade Beach, Puducherry by Manik Gupta

Promenade Beach

Photo of Promenade Beach, Puducherry by Manik Gupta

French Style Buildings

Photo of Promenade Beach, Puducherry by Manik Gupta

French Architecture

Photo of Promenade Beach, Puducherry by Manik Gupta

Craft Bazaar

Photo of Promenade Beach, Puducherry by Manik Gupta

Night view at the Promenade

Photo of Promenade Beach, Puducherry by Manik Gupta
Day 2

Early in the morning, I left again for Rock Beach to watch the rising sun, but the weather had its own plan, cloudy again. I then went to visit Auroville. Auroville is located completely between the forests and some barren lands. It is also known as the International City. In fact, there were more number of foreigners living there than the Indians. Matri Mandir in Auroville was an exceptional piece of architecture. It was worth sparing time earlier to get the visiting pass. There was also one sound garden (Swaram) where the musical instruments are made. It had so many unique instruments to try.

Outside the information centre at Auroville

Photo of Auroville, Tamil Nadu, India by Manik Gupta

Road to Auroville

Photo of Auroville, Tamil Nadu, India by Manik Gupta

Matri Mandir

Photo of Matrimandir, Auroville, Bommayapalayam, Tamil Nadu, India by Manik Gupta
Photo of Matrimandir, Auroville, Bommayapalayam, Tamil Nadu, India by Manik Gupta

In the evening I visited the Paradise Beach. I swear it was nothing less than a Paradise. It had such mesmerizing scenic beauty. Sitting there on the sand experiencing those splashing water waves turning me 180 degrees again and again was indeed a lovely experience. Got myself completely drenched in water and sand.

Sunset at the Paradise Beach

Photo of Paradise Beach, Pondicherry Road, Kotturpuram, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India by Manik Gupta

Sunset at the Paradise Beach

Photo of Paradise Beach, Pondicherry Road, Kotturpuram, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India by Manik Gupta
Day 3

This time I decided to watch the sunrise at the Paradise Beach. I was fortunate enough to finally witness one on this trip. Oh what a picturesque view that was. The water changing its color with the rising sun, the sun changing its shades, the sky turning bright. I had never watched such appealing sunrise scene. After all that was the eastern coast.

Photo of Paradise Beach, Pondicherry Road, Kotturpuram, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India by Manik Gupta
Photo of Paradise Beach, Pondicherry Road, Kotturpuram, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India by Manik Gupta
Photo of Paradise Beach, Pondicherry Road, Kotturpuram, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India by Manik Gupta
Photo of Paradise Beach, Pondicherry Road, Kotturpuram, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India by Manik Gupta
Photo of Paradise Beach, Pondicherry Road, Kotturpuram, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India by Manik Gupta

Now since adventure sports have always been an attraction to me, the next plan was to experience surfing, so I headed towards Serenity Beach. I did surfing for 1:30 hour and that was an incredible experience.

You can't stop the wave, but you can learn to surf

Photo of Serenity Beach Road, Kottakuppam, Pondicherry, Tamil Nadu, India by Manik Gupta

In the afternoon, I visited the Pondicherry Museum and it showed me a part of India’s history, which I was absolutely unaware of. Then I covered a few other places which included Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Manakula Vinayagar Temple, New Light House, Raj Niwas, MG Market. Ended my trip spending that evening again on the beachside. I had no frame of mind to leave that place.

Photo of Puducherry Museum, Canteen Street, White Town, Puducherry, India by Manik Gupta
Photo of Raj Nivas, Ranga Pillai Street, White Town, Pondicherry, Puducherry, India by Manik Gupta

View from the Light House

Photo of French Town 360, Muthu Mariamman Kovil Street, Opp Jain Temple, Heritage Town, Pondicherry, Puducherry, India by Manik Gupta

Outside the Temple

Photo of Manakula Vinayagar Temple, Manakula Vinayagar Koil Street, White Town, Pondicherry, Puducherry, India by Manik Gupta

However well a person writes, some things cannot be written; they can only be lived. That’s what I have to say for Pondicherry. I cannot really pen down what I have felt in those days. It was one of a kind experience and it was worth it. On arrival I felt 2-3 days will be enough here, at the time of departure I wished I could stay there for a few more days. It’s been more than half a week since I am back and I still can’t get over with the beauty of that place.