This photo show that how much the people of India are serious for Religious practice .Before I start this post I wanted to tell something to you guys that in this post I going to share my experience , thought and many more when I saw the streets of India for the first time in my life and I got the invitation from world for a blind date and yes I have many wishes and dreams but that bucket list can be full fill at another day .This is the picture of a small girl who is busy in selling Indian flags . When I saw this type of work for the first time I just began to think that can this type of work by little girl can show our love for India (Bharat Maa ) . And this is the first surprise in my blind date with the world . This work not only force me to think the condition of child but also to think the future of India . We all love India but not in this way . After I saw this my heart just began to said that "stop this".

When I saw this girl who is busy in selling toys for the first time I just began to thought that then why our government said that the women have the right to education . Can this work change the future of Women of India , I don't know .

Little boys returning back to home after a football match . When I saw this image for the first time I got a little bit relief because they are healthy and fit and the most good thing is they able to taste the feelings of friendship . And I thought in this way is the right way to show our love for India because we all respect our mother India and a mother never wanted that her or his child suffer from a bad condition and yes if they practice a lot then they can also able to win football championship . This children are the future of India .

After seeing this photo some of the people thought that this Rickshaw puller is lazy but that's not right . He is not just relaxing but thinking how to maintain his livelihood as people prefer Rickshaw to auto rickshaw , taxi for traveling to a short distance ." This Is India" .
This photo show that how much the people of India are serious for Religious practice .

Before I tell you guys something about this image most of the people thought that he is poor but what I thought is when I saw this man doing this type of work for the first time I thought that it is good because he is not dependent on other for food .

After I saw this I got a very big relief and jealous too because this kid can taste and understand the real meaning of friendship and by this they also able to taste the love , truth , faith , believe and many more . When I saw this for the first time I am happy because at the present time no one have enough time to talk with one another but this children able to enjoy and understand the real meaning of life .
This images are not enough because there are thousands of children who suffer from this type of condition in every minute . And I thought our India is the most unique country because India have two faces Black and White .
I able to found many creative and unique people on the streets of India and yes I got amazed when I see all this thing for the first time . People's of India have many talents we should use this in a proper way . But something which hurt me a lot is the little girl are doing hard work just to eat some food and they also not able to get the education .
"Only visiting new and good places is not enough but you must try your best to know the reality of that place " . This is not a story it is the reality . #JaiHind .