for at least a week the yogi came at same time same routine and then I decided to go outside ( after I guess a month ) and set their and asked can we talk he said why not! The first straight question I asked,
1. What is your age & you look old, have you understood Life?
Yogi replied ~ He was smiling & replied to me " 79" years, I am watching you and having a conversation with you. No past/No future, I am talking to you son This is life!
Without wasting any time he moved away from that place I had a lot to ask but before I raised another question, yogi turned back smile again, it's inside ,it's all inside, and moved away.
Well, to be honest, I again came back to room and have bit of sleep but when I waked up I realized & thought a lot what is he trying to say ( all inside, me and you talking, this is life) but then I start observing again that what I have done since last 30 days ( just thinking, overthinking and what I am doing now still thinking ) the yogi opened my mind when he was saying { m talking to you, no past no future ( first I thought ok his talk like illogical & nonsense) but he was right life is not in past not in future life is now.
So what next I called mom & said mom ( 7pm ) I want go deep down south. She replied when you are going & who are with you. I knew & lied that I am with friends and moving tonight. She said ok Go.
And that's where journey start I have no idea where I am going but first place that choose was Delhi because it's main & biggest railway station in north ( well that's what I heard ) So literally I just packed 2 jeans one jacket and 2 inner & left room.
Picked Haryana roadways want to tribune chowk Chandigarh, took Himachal roadway Volvo so that I can charge my mobile went to Delhi in morning, I have no idea where I was going but I choose Chennai MAS. Around 4 am I was at Delhi booked a cab went to new Delhi railway station. I was tired & sleepless so booked hostel ( pink hostel = 400 Rs for 12 hours ) around 5 or 5:30 I was there at ND railway station. I slept till 12 pm,waked up & booked ticked its my fortune that I got of side seat of 2Ac same day. ( well I booked a ticked through agent near pink hostel & and learned how to use irctc lol, also spent 4000 for that 2ac ticket( I was fool( spent a lot), but this was an unplanned journey) also I wanted a confirm tickets, train timing is 6:40 in evening to Chennai,well it was 30+ hours journey so I can plan where I can go in Chennai & that how it's all started. Ok so i am skipping the train part and when I reached to Coimbatore I took bus to bhuvalampatti and went straight to Isha yoga Center.

ॐ हौं जूं सः ॐ भूर्भुवः स्वः ॐ त्र्यम्बकं यजामहे सुगन्धिं पुष्टिवर्धनम् उर्वारुकमिव बन्धनान् मृत्योर्मुक्षीय मामृतात् ॐ स्वः भुवः भूः ॐ सः जूं हौं ॐ !!
First of all i am not here to promote Isha foundation. And never been a part of any moment, So why I am writing this blog? Well it's simple Sometimes mystic vibes of life take you to the places where your life simply change "I am not going to talk even on sadhguru too lol, he is cool & popular dude" So what happens!
Well I kept myself locked in my room for at least 30 plus days, and when you're alone and have no one to talk you start realizing that your mind boggling like hell and believe me if your having negative experience and nothing goes right situation is even worse than ever, everyone goes from that phase in life. I even sleep less in night but then in morning I realized that some old men is doing yoga ( around 4:45 am ) in front of my room ( it was ☔ day, so he came silently outside my room shed and start doing his yogic process) . I watched him and observed him
"Power Of DhyanLingha" !
Now We all know that Lord Shiva First Time landed on Mount Kailash as Rudra aka Maha-yogi ( if you don't know much about Lord Shiva must check T-series Shiv Puran) and Everytime you visit to the places where Shiva landed his step or leave his trace you will find that place energetic and that's what is in Velliangiri Mountains Dhyan linga. they builted The Linga with 7 Chakra and with each chakra they did Prana Pratishtha, I have been in amaranth, Shrikhand Mahadev but the experience I got there was magical.
What is the process to get in that temple?
Well while entering in foundation I was in doubt when I see lots of people promoting isha foundation. But I focus more on Shivlinga ( DhyanLingha). Before entering in temple we all took bath but bath in suryakund with three shivlinga it was amazing I remember my young day where we use to take bath in local river in himachal.
And yes there are two baths one is before going in suryakund ( which you can take in their bathroom) and make sure body have no wounds not even a single. Well after taking bath I went to linga-bherVi temple and then moved to most awaited place DhyanLingha.
Well I couldn't take photo because they take mobile phone at entrance.
So how was the experience!
Well before going in that temple lots of questions was there in my mind as usual the place new to me so was that foundation. But once I entered in temple and took my seat on ground and watched a the dhyanlinga in front of me. I closed my eyes and you won't believe for at least 2 minutes no thought literally I don't know what happened to me water is coming from my 👀 I can feel that then at least after 3 to 5 minutes I feel like Zero you know when the yogi say you have to empty your brain and have to focus that automatically happened to me. And I know that If I closed my mind I will wake after a hour so I kept opening my eyes after couple of minute and try to control my breathing so that I can feel my brain and I can rethink what the hell I was going through I have done lots of thing in my life but thing like this my GOD I feel like some kind of energy is there where you can flow with it. So I controlled my breathing( stopped my breathing for 10 to 12 second and keep doing that for couple of moment so that I can settle down my nerve ) and then realize what is going to be honest I cant figure out what was that and what was i thinking before coming to that temple i mean when i entered to isha foundation. I feel like fresh more active and then released it is the energy that i felt. I could not simply explain it i don't know if you be there you will feel same or not but for me lots of thing have been changed. And again Sadhguru is not my Guru but whatever that guy has done its very rare and i read a lot about Lord shiva that place made Shiv-oh-lic. I can even feel that energy that i felt there. For a people who believe in Lord Shiva they will find that lingha is statue and those who are called by Lord shiva they will that place heaven ( not dhyan lingha but every place where shiva resides )
ॐ हौं जूं सः ॐ भूर्भुवः स्वः ॐ त्र्यम्बकं यजामहे सुगन्धिं पुष्टिवर्धनम् उर्वारुकमिव बन्धनान् मृत्योर्मुक्षीय मामृतात् ॐ स्वः भुवः भूः ॐ सः जूं हौं ॐ !!