We started our trip from Moradabad due to covid we took our reports with us one day before reaching jammu Tawi means as of 29 we all got our reports we were 6 friends .
Our train was at 11:00pm 30th December 2020 night and our reaching time was 8AM 31st December 2020 then.
We booked our train online using Amazon and per head it was costing 1000 Rs for Genral class for both side moradabad to jammu and jammu to moradabad, also booked our hotel for Rs 1400 using oyo in jammu name of the hotel was Hotal kamakashi lodge and other hotal in Patani top using makemytrip for Rs 1200 hotal name was Kassel Hights.
Both hotals were costing us 1400+1200=2600/6 per head.
Our whole trip cost us around 4000 per person including food hotal travel everything.
Our trip was covering :-
1st day- Jammu travel
2nd day - Vaishnodevi
3rd day - back to jammu and then travel to patani top
4th day - patanitop
5th day back to jammu and in night we were having our train back to Moradabad
So we started our trip from Moradabad I was from Meerut so i took bus for Rs 89 to moradabad i reached moradabad by 10 then we moved to city station our platform was pf-6
Our trip staryed here and we searched our burths amd started havibg fun in our first trip of 2021 starting (Newyear trip).
Attaching few pictures for the same
So we finally we reached jammu tawi here on the station we took mini city bus and also the important thing in hilly areas we face network problem so for that we have to purchase one sim of that area so we baughg one postpaid airtel sim for Rs 400 we devide that amount amoung us so per head 400/6 we used same sim for our contacts.
Note:- if you are a travelor please purchasw post paid Airtel or postpaid jio sim because other sims dont work here.
Then we went to our hotal and we took shawr and aftr gettinv freshed we left our hotal to visit jammu ao first we went to jammu zoo thats a deer park it cast us 40 rs pwr head this park was soo good we saw lots of varieties of animals here .
Then after that we reached to jammu palace so this place is famous for shooting so we shoot some photographs there it was free of cost , aftr this place we went to jammu market main market and did some shopping there . and we wnt to our final destination thats Aqua word francly speaking this place is wastage of time and money nothinh special is there i wil show you photographs of this place
First they all took 100 rs from.all of us in the name.of entry fee then we came tk know that its park fee which is of jo use for us then we again took ticket of 100 rs fir entry in Aqua word so over all we spent 200 rs for this entfy and there was nothinb like aseas largest aquarium.
After that we came back to hotal and celebrated our newyear night and we all get reafu for our next day start.
We started our day at 4 AM since we decided to reach Katra as early as possible so that we can complete our whole trip of vaishnodevi in one day means from katra to vaishnodevi to Bhero baba then back to katra .
So here we got bussed 24 hrs available for ua we took bus from jammy tawi to katra for rs 100 and reached katra aroumd 7 AM then re searched for hotal to put our bags and other stufgs there seriously this was a typical task because every one was giving hotal at high cost juat for our stuff then we got one hotal for rs 800 which allow us and our stuffs till next day so we putted our stuff there and started our journey we reached vaishnodevi at 4 PM and then we all had darshan one by one so it took time for us and we all were ready for our behro baba trip at 5:45 . we werw late because we thaught we will take trauly till bharo baba but last timw for those traulies was 5:30 PM so we all had to go via stairs to behrobaba the temperature was 1° and less then that snow was there on our path we reached behro baba at 7 Pm and after doing darshan we started our regurn journey at 9PM and we reached back to katra at around 11 PM it was nice experience for all of us .
In befween also took parshad for about 40 rs for mid level packet.
Then we all slept for our next day trip to patani top
And about food we all head food in katra itself in bhandaras .
We started our day at 6 AM then in katra we had breakfast and after that we all started searching for vehicle to patanitop so some of them were saying 6000 rs till patanitop and back to katra in same day some said 3000 till patanitop like this we started searching for more cheapest traveling vehicle and we got normal bus that took 150 rs from us per person till patanitop and we reached there via that bus.
We reached patanitop at around 12 PM then we went to our hotal that was near naag mandir tha place was heaven everywhere snow and snow soo beautifyl place it was.
We freshed ouself and started our trip we went to naag tample by waliking and we enjoyed a lot in whole path with snow and that tample was awesome we did pray there also there were some handycraft shops for pashmina and all so we reached thwre talked tk them and after that for food specially in from.of tample therw was a dhaba special famous dhaba we took aalu pratha there and maghi and food was delicious that cant tell yoy guys.
Then we came back to hotal while coming back we had snowfall and we enjoyed the snow fall there.
It was serioualy a havan we werw in.
And aftr that we all slept around 1 AM.
Next day our plan was to travel in patani top and go back to jammu because we had our train at 11 PM so we went wakeup at 6 amd aftr bath and all we left our hotal we went to naag tample firat and took breakfast at the same place.
Then aftr having our breakfast we went for gree park which is famous for snow and snow sports we went there every wherw there was snow we went there and then we enjoyed our snow games there that place was full of snow you guys dont need any boots and cloths they all charge us 1000 rs for thag but no need of any guide becauaw that place is full of advangure guidw will not do any thing then aftr enjoying we came back to our hotal and took bus from there to jammu tawi for ra 200 per person we thaught we will reach jammu with in 3 hrs but we were wrong due to heavy rain there was havy traffic in whole patani top due to which we left our bus and walked till next stop to.take second bua we toom other bus for Rs 150 per person and we started our journey it took 9 hrs for us to reach jammu station and finally we reached jammu.
Our train was on time we started our return journwy by saying we will miss this trip. And we played guitar in bus in hotal while snowfall and inside train aswell to enjoy our trip
In train next day.
In train we reached our desgination next day 10 AM at moradabad station I took another train at Saharanpur station to meerut and our trip ends....