We visited these amazing caves called "Patal Bhuvaneshwar"
On our way back to Delhi from "Thal" Uttrakhand we visited Patal Bhuvaneshwar.
Not many people know about this place.
Photography is prohibited inside the caves and so I have taken pic only till the entrance.The temple shown here is the entrance of the 90 ft deep caves.
As we entered the entrance we had to drop our phones at the entry.
There is a small gate from that you have to enter and it's a steep way till down.Due to moisture and water the way is a bit slippery but you have iron chains to hold on your way down(earlier chains were not there when I visited during my childhood).Once you reach down till 90 feet you may face a lack of oxygen.The floor is a bit slippery.
The temple guide will show you around . Cave is 160 kms long including multi gateways and series of caves within the caves.Exploration is only allowed up to ‘Adi Shakti’ cave and visitors have to return from there.
Cave has the depiction of various stories of Yugas, Shiva, Sagar Manthan, Beheading Of Lord Ganesha, Pandavas, Mother Ganga in Shiva’s tresses, Sacred water coming through many pores and falling on Shivling and many more interesting stories through huge and naturally carved lime stones.Depiction of Satyug Dwaparyug kalyug.
It depicts the ‘Manaskhand’ and ‘Skandpuran’ whose 800 verses tells about Patal Bhuvneshwar.
You can see beautiful limestones that are said to be depictions of Lord Shiva's Hair.
Way down is a bit easy but going back up again is tough as the slope is slippery and you have to solely rely on iron chains and put pressure carefully to go up.
Patal Bhuvaneshwar is nature mixed with mythology and a beautiful abode amongst mountains.