Sharing one tragedy of how I met new friends (Riders). I started from Leh to Sarchu at 8:30am sharp. We were enjoying the scenic beauty of ladakh as we knew that again we won't be able to cum here for ride. But I will surely try for it. Ask the arrangements were done. Bags were packed and mounted on the ladakh carriers. But when I reached Tanglanla pass, I noticed that my bike was shakey so I asked my pillion friend to get down And check the air pressure of my rear tyre. He said that it is punctured I now I was shakey as there was no puncture wala around minimum 25 km on both the ways. So I was not understanding what to do. So kept my mind calm. Very down from the bike and a thought cane to my mind that I'm having a spare tube with me. So for the first time in my life I removed the rear tyre as if I was the professional puncture wala. As was getting ready to remove the give from the tyre but at that time I noticed that I was not having the air pump and the screw drivers through which the tube can be r removed. I again started thinking and I remembered that once my guru Mr Rajesh Deshmukh said, if the tyre gets punctured it is you who have to remove the tyre and take it to the local puncture wala, he won't come to you as his shop is far away. So I started asking other riders and cars for the air pump. One Endevour car stopped which was from Haryana. They quickly gave me the air pump but I forgot that still I am not having the screw drivers in my tool kit. And when I was waiting at the side of the road every car and every rider were asking me if I need any help. But till that time I removed the tyre and had sent my pillion with the tyre back from where we came ie. at Upshi nearest village which was 25km away from the spot and the timing was 12pm and the air temperature was dropping and I started feeling cold. The riders which were passing even offered me a sip of old monk ie Rum. But I said thank you and they went ahead. Then at 3:30pm my friend came and we had to travel more 150km approximately and the road conditions were very bad ahead so on the way one rider stopped for helping us. He advised us to stop today at Pang which was 70 km from our current location we gave a thought and decided to think on the way. For fixing the tyre and mounting the tyre again it took almost one hour as we had only breakfast and I was feeling very hungry and weak but anyhow we had to reach some destination as the temperature was dropping very fast. At that time the temp was 15c and the sun was about to set. And at night the temperature there is around 4c-5c which is very freezing cold for a Mumbai guy like me. So we rode fast but on the way we came across More Plains which was a open plateau and the very cold breeze was blowing and finally we reached Pang Village there we met all the riders with whom I met on the way. They asked us to stay at Pang and next morning leave for the rest of the journey but we had a booking since at Sarchu which was far ahead and the road condition was also not at all good. So finally decided to stay at Pang village. We got good place to stay good simple food which the rider normally likes and also we got good friends which were from Banglore, Kolkata, Pune, Manali, Delhi, Mumbai but the religion of them was one. WE ALL WERE RIDERS. STATES, LANGUAGE , CASTE DOESN'T MATTER WHEN HE OR SHE IS A RIDER. We chatted for whole night and forgot that we have met for the first time and may be the last time in our life. As tomorrow morning we have to leave for the rest of the journey etc. etc. But remember the earth is round some where, some time we will definitely meet on some ride. Cheers to life and cheers to ladakh ride for getting such lovely and helpful friends cum riders cum mechanic who helped me throughout my journey that is ride. I'm proud to be a RIDER who ride on MY ROYAL ENFIELD.
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