"It is very easy to speak and put your thoughts out, difficult to understand and keep it inside you. "
Establishment 26th June 2016: Banihal, Kashmir Valley, India
Half an hour to go. We(Me with my friends) had to catch the last train from Banihal to Srinagar. En route Kashmir valley there was scenic beauty you will get mesmerized with and peace you will fall in love with. Though everything was so serene there was a void. A pain you can feel. A sense of calmness you don't want to engulf. It was killing me inside out.
When you have the most beautiful thing with you, obviously you will have to make sure it is safe. Somewhat a similar thing was in this case. There is no doubt about this fact that Kashmir valley is the most beautiful location I have ever been to. Ever since Jammu and Kashmir was part of India there are stories not so soothing one, Memories not so calming and Understandings not so defining.

Storyline 07th August 2017: Kolkata, India
There were always questions associated with Kashmir. Is Kashmir an Indian Territory? Always It was treated as a Stain. There was no proper time to release this note than this one. Going through some of the posts on my social networking page there were status such as "Kashmir is now part of India". Why? Earlier it was an Independent country. I was born with this knowledge; Jammu and Kashmir is an Indian State and an integral part of our country. "Now we can marry girls there" Why? You don't have girls in other states. This is why you wanted Kashmir as an Indian state. Just imagine any Kashmiri saying "I want to be part of India because I can get women to marry there." Trust me with this approach you can win a state. Maybe you can suppress people there but for sure you can never win love and faith of the people of that state. For that, you will have to embrace them just the way they are, just the way they want to.
Kashmir is not a state; it was never a state for you. It was a tourist destination. It was a spot to fulfill our geopolitical needs. 70 Years down the line Kashmir Valley is surrounded by armed forces(With current situation It is good to have them here) seeks peace. They want a normal life. I feel pity for them and their living.
27th April 2017: Shimla, India

I was at the viceroy Lodge, Formally known as the Rashtrapati Niwas, a place where the partition of India was inked. Just for your awareness, this place is now a Research Centre. There was a testimonial written about the accession of Jammu and Kashmir. That Testimonial is present online also. Why I am saying this is because when we speak about a place which is full of conflicts and a chronology extremely complex more than you can ever imagine. Never trust what you listen. Try and research. I have been reading and listening to ministers representing their thoughts on this place. Probably they have never been to this place yet, they want to express because this is India, A democracy...Cheap politics. Please elevate your understanding. I never want this script to elevate the standard of politics in India. I know it will not improve by this one piece. It will require an evolution in understanding and thought process, just wanted them to speak facts because whatever you say will create a huge impact, especially in younger generations.

28th June 2016, NIT/Hazratbal Dargah/Down Town/ Lal Chowk/Dal Lake, Srinagar, India
While others were visiting Sonmarg, Due to some reason I was unable to accompany them. I discussed and decided to see Srinagar City. Talking to locals will give you a clear picture of what they want and what not. "हर कोई शांति भाई जान चाहता है।", very rightly said by this gentleman who is having a bakery in Downtown (By the way that cake was amongst the best I ever had). During summers a gentleman from east Uttar Pradesh used to travel Srinagar to sell ice creams and earn.
"सभी को दर्द है। हमने कभी कोशिश नहीं की। सभी उम्मीद खो चुके हैं। यह दर्द उनके लिए नया नहीं है। यह हमेशा यहां था। शायद आज आप इसे देख रहे हैं। वे इस तरह अपना जीवन जीते हैं और एक दिन मर जाते हैं, कुछ भी नहीं बदलता है। जरा सोचिए कि आप उठते हैं और देखते हैं कि हर जगह कर्फ्यू, सेना और स्थानीय पुलिस है लेकिन कोई शांति नहीं है। शांति और विश्वास हर रोज फंसे हुए हैं। हर दिन बेहतर भविष्य के लिए उम्मीद खो देता है। इस जगह को समझने के लिए, आपको इसके दर्द और दुःख को महसूस करना और समझना होगा। कश्मीर से लोग आते-जाते हैं लेकिन कश्मीर यहीं रहता है। "
It was never stable, Question is anyone really ever wanted??? If Yes, probably intentions were never right.
Apprehension The early 2000s: Patna, India
I was at my home. It was late around 7 in the evening. Gosh!!! 7 is no late...Right??? Those days it was in Bihar. We never had cell phones at that time. Plenty of thoughts were roaming around. I was frightened and so my mother was. Every single day when we sat together for dinner late night It was like we conquer a War. This context is nowhere similar to the situation of Kashmir. It was...It is.
"Not always everyone is Innocent, Not always everyone is enemy"
We are having a dispute in Kashmir. Why? Because everyone wanted to win it. Practically, No one won because humanity suffers. I was born during the times when Bihar was Bihar including Jharkhand. Naxal was a major threat. Though It is on the verge of getting Vanished today. Bihar and Uttar Pradesh was once crime capital. Extortion, kidnapping and murders were very common those days. Every another day you would see newspaper flooded with these news. Do we treat Bihar and Uttar Pradesh just the same way we did to Kashmir? Why only Bihar?Why not Delhi,Mumbai or Jaipur. Just because they are an integral part of India or we consider them. Crime against humanity always suffers. Imagine coming out of your home. Walking through a bomb explodes and you carry on with your stuff. Because It is a routine activity to happen. At least I can't living living like that. Every year, every month and every day Kashmir do face this. Naxal,Crime against women, extortion, molestation, kidnapping ,rape or murder are just few context amongst many more in our country.Kashmir faces these every single day. 70 Years and we are celebrating and want locals to join us. Whether you would have done that...? Question is on you..? You seating on a couch in an A/C room sharing your Facebook opinion or images on Instagram. Do you think it is good enough? Imagine you know you can be blocked with these things. No calls No messages. What will you do...Download few movies or songs and watch endlessly. Kashmir is yet to receive basic amenities. What have we given them? Few tourists to explore their paradise. Do we think this is enough? They always wanted to embrace, we were not appropriate enough to join them.
Present Day: Kolkata, India
Not all but few of them want. They want an independent state. They feel pissed; they want peace in their lives. I want no violence and they want silence. Question is we ready to give them. When you are suffering from fever only you can understand how painful it is. When I was travelling Shimla the visit was managed by this lady who works for a travel agency at Srinagar.
I don't know whether I can take her name or not but if I won't maybe I will be stealing her credits.
Last year when I was planning a trip for one of my friend's family I was talking constantly with her. She was like Bhai Please come Srinagar once. We will meet once. I told Kashmir is not safe. She said, "If I was you real sister wouldn't you have come?" I was speechless. She said "Please come I will manage everything If you don't feel comfortable stay at my home. We want people to come and see our place...Please come". Today, I don't even know how is she?
Winding up- Closure

I might have shown only a few phases of many but these were vital. Understanding this place was not only about its geographic location but also about their people and lives. Places are made of a thousand stories. We each have our own. Kashmir too had their own not a good one. Never had they. I hope peace prevails in the valley and we embrace people of that place. I also faced few problems when I was travelling there. At that time I thought I was the only one. No, it was always there. Some are always ignored and some get used to. Let's not question and examine what went wrong and what was right, It's not always too easy for you to understand yet, not too difficult to avoid.
"Let the Peace prevail"
PS: This content is not in favour or against of present Geo-Political situation. Always considered J&K as an Indian State and an Integral Part of India. Expecting people to improve their knowledge and understanding before presenting their thoughts. Against false and unjustified news, Understandings and self-belief. Want a safe and peaceful Kashmir in days to come with the new geopolitical condition.
This script stipulates Positive intent for future. More than a study, This was an experience...
Together lets make a peaceful Kashmir...
-Shish Singh
Links https://www.instagram.com/shishranjansingh/ https://www.facebook.com/shishranjan Credits:
Though this article does not contain any stats or facts it required background research to speak on such sensitive topic. Wanted it to be justifiable for Kashmir's Locals. Strongly agree that the region was never treated properly. Expecting a positive and soothing life ahead in the valley. Strongly disagree with the statements which leads to increase in tensions.
Instrument of Accession
The Kashmir Dispute 1947-2012 by A.G. Noorani
Paradise at War: A Political History of Kashmir by Radha Kumar Politics and State Autonomy and Regional Identity Jammu and Kashmir 01 Edition by Sunita
Visit: 24 th June- 29 th June, 2016
the three main culprits for the Kashmir conflict of 1947 and division of state were Lord Mountbatten, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Governor General of Pakistan and Maharaja Hari Singh. On the other side, the three tall leaders, who played a crucial role at that time in getting the state for us were Sheikh Abdullah, Jawaharlal Nehru and Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
Read more at://economictimes.indiatimes.com/articleshow/70560879.cms?utm_source=contentofinterest&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=cppst
If India was USA and Kashmir was Alaska...Imagine America's answer.
Let's try once more: If India was China and Kashmir was Tibet...Imagine their answer too.