Mandaaragiri Hills

3rd Nov 2022
Photo of Mandaaragiri Hills by basavaraj akki
Photo of Mandaragiri - (Basadi Betta), Pandithanahalli by basavaraj akki

Mandaaragiri Hills located at just 2.5 km detour from NH 4 that connects Bengaluru and Pune. It is located at 60 - 65km from Bengaluru almost near to Tumkur.

Photo of Mandaaragiri Hills by basavaraj akki

It is also called as Basadi Betta as there is one Jain temple at the foothill. The shape of the temple resembles 'Pinchi', a typical peacock feather broom.

Photo of Mandaaragiri Hills by basavaraj akki

Also there is a rock statue of a Jain Tirthankara adjacent to the temple.

Photo of Mandaaragiri Hills by basavaraj akki

Best time to visit is during January and February as hills will be surrounded by clouds of fog.