Choose to 'Live Simply so that People in the mountains can simply Live'.
Complicated lifestyles of city dwellers are indirectly impacting life in mountainous regions. Climate change is affecting the mountains heavily, causing flash floods and droughts.
Environment focussed organisations like Himalayan Institute of Alternatives (HIAL) have taken up innovative measures such as setting up Ice Stupas in Ladakh for solving irrigation issues. But such steps are not going to make a significant impact unless people across the big cities change their lifestyle.
A global movement has been started from the mountains of Ladakh by HIAL. The movement appeals to the world to 'Live Simply so that people in the mountains can Simply Live'. Simple changes in your personal behaviors are all that is required to make this resolution.
By adopting a simple lifestyle, we can help people of the mountains to 'simply live'. Some examples of the changes you can make in your behavior are:
1. Carrying a cloth bag
2. Carrying your own cup instead of using paper or plastic cups
3. Carrying refillable water bottles
4. Choosing to take a train instead of flights
5. Traveling by bicycles instead of cars
6. Taking stairs instead of elevators,
These simple changes can go a long way in cleaning up our planet and reduce climate distortions, that impact mountains and sea levels first but eventually reach big cities.
The Pledge
A unique crown funding campaign is being launched around this New Year by HIAL and promoted by Sonam Wangchuk, the renowned innovator, Magsaysay Award-winning environmentalist and co-founder of HIAL. We all can contribute to this campaign by pledging lifestyle change, no monetary contributions are required. As Mr. Wangchuk believes 'Money can't save the planet, behavioral change can.'
The HIAL will evaluate the cost of all pledges as per the calculated impact they would make.For example, a pledge to not use single-use plastic could amount to a contribution worth $1000. Or a pledge to go vegetarian may amount to $2500. Around the New Year 2020, when people around the world make resolutions to lead a better life, these contributions in the currency of pledges may amount to trillions of dollars of impact.
Watch this video to understand the process and take the pledge.
Emissions are everywhere around us. Every technology created to make our life easy or luxurious is also emitting substances which are denying us the necessities of life. And I am talking about the Actual necessities of life - air, water and sunlight. The world is now up in arms against Climate Change when it is directly upon us, leaving no room for further mistakes. Our hi-tech lives and polluting lifestyles are leading to enormous carbon footprints and almost nullifying all the efforts towards Climate change mitigation and adaptation.
So take a pledge and make a resolution this new year which will make our world more live-able. Also, spread the noble word by sharing this article and tagging @hial.university #ilivesimply #sonamwangchuk
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