For people who connect with nature, travelling to Koraput and spending a couple of days amid the mountains and the fountains is a must. Koraput was always on my mind, but I could never really stamp it in my travel book, till a business trip took me to the paradise.

Well, I had to pack an umbrella and a raincoat, because it was mid-July and the monsoon rains had set in. For me good weather is definitely the best for travel, but there was so much I had heard about Koraput from travelers, friends and relatives; that even heavy rains couldn't stop me. I also had to write a couple of songs and mail it to Mumbai in the forthcoming week so I thought this journey would provide the much needed inspiration and motivation.

So my trip was set and I boarded HirakhandExpress from Bhubaneswar - the only train to drop you at koraput. I had booked a Bolero for the next day, and the driver, Daitariwas right on time. A dusky, short, slim middle-aged man, Daitarimade it clear that I may not have a good time because it was continuously raining and it wasn't about to stop for the day. I smiled at his honesty and said, "Bro, I have a raincoat and an umbrella. You can borrow any one of them, and yes let me make it clear that I am a traveller and not a tourist."

Trust me, I was so happy that it was raining in Koraput. It was so cinematic. Clouds dramatically flooded the skies and the earth. Everything from the waterlogged paddy fields, to the scant but bright sunlight popping in and out like a hide and seek game was so beautiful. Duduma, one of the most majestic waterfalls was half visible because of overcast conditions. I waited on the hills with the umbrella to steal that look as the clouds slowly and cinematically parted. Dudumawas mesmerizing. My only advice to you, when you are there, " Mind your feet, do not hurry, let the clouds play their game, you play your own. Be patient!

I was right infront of duduma waterfall waiting for the clouds to pass
On your way to Duduma, you will come across DESIA- Socially Responsible Tourism. It offers accommodation and some good desifood. You need to stop at Desia, order for lunch, travel to Duduma, and after returning, sit back and enjoy the food and hospitality. Desiais recommended, for its looks, for its remote placement and countryside food. If you are creative, nothing but the logo of Desia will stop you for a while.

The journey from one locale to the other was so heartfelt. I stopped the Bolero mid-jungle, and started to write a lyric for the Mumbai assignment. I had been trying to fill in emotions to the preset tune for a week. And now in the middle of that rich flora, somewhere in that wild paradise, I completed writing the lyrics unbelievably in just 10 minutes. For me, that's what travel does: Makes things easier, and makes me more sensitive, loving, fearless, and inspired.

The next day morning, was special because it was Rathyatra, one of the most loved and sacred festivals of Odisha. TheJagannathtemple at Koraput is quite unique because it it is ancient. I rushed to the temple, clicked pictures, and made videos for my BarabulaaodiaInstagramfollowers. My followers from out of Odisha, and other states and countries were the happiest to see their beloved divine trio early in the morning, all set to board their chariots.

While returning, I went to explore street food for breakfast. And that's where my palate came across a super delicious fluffy Idlicalled GLASS IDLY. I am not a idly lover, but, this glass idly, literally steamed to perfection in a glass, was heaven! It fit in perfectly with the promise of the skies, the smiles of the people, and the lush green around the rain-washedroads.

While I was climbing up the Deomali, I met a local tribe. They smiled, when I asked for a click and managed to capture some amazing moments with them in front of a scenic green backdrop. They were happy to see themselves in pictures and I hope to send them the printed copies someday.

I reached Deomali along with the gusty winds and a thick overhanging fog. I could hardly manage to see anything. But that feel of being amid it there, was a out of the world experience in itself. It was getting dark but I didn't hurry. I put on my boom-box, played some favorite songs, sat over a stone witnessing the drama of the sea of fog fading and thickening just like memories do. I was in introspection mode for about 30 minutes. It was calm, peaceful and I loved it.

deomali Hills on the backdrop
I wished I could have had a sip of hot cup of coffee at Deomali along with the sunset, but i couldn't because it was monsoon. And I promise to come back to Koraput, just for Deomali once again.
some more pics from my koraput travel:

For people interested to travel to Koraput, Odisha, the ideal time for tourists is winters, and the ideal time for travelers is both monsoon and winters.
You need to reach Bhubaneswar by train or flight. You can hire a taxi to Koraput which is as long as a 7-8 hrs journey. If you are on for a road trip and you are pocket full, taxi is one good choice. However, Hirakhand express is the only train option that starts at 7.30 pm from Bhubaneswar, and reaches Koraput the next day morning at 9 am. That's the only direct train option.
Choosing a train travel is always pocket friendly and relaxing.