A talented and outspoken actress, Kalki Koechlin will be seen with her father, Joel Koechlin motorbiking through the North East for the Fox Life show Kalki’s Great Escape. We caught up with her to learn how she roughed it out on a bike.

I think travelling should be more about comfort than dressing up. Travel attire for me means a nice pair of track pants, fitted t-shirts, some occasional scarves and yes, a nice leather jacket to pump things up! Since my trip with FOX Life was a biking adventure, my helmet became my top accessory.
My recent trip to the North-East has made me fall in love with my bike—I think that’s one thing that I’d always like to have next to me on my trips. Everything else can fall in line.

I make it a point to always try the local cuisine—no matter where I am travelling. As soon as we started our trip, one of the first places we stopped at was a small town called Sangti where we took shelter under the roof of a local family. I met a little girl, Kunnu who the family had recently adopted. She prepared dinner for us and also taught me how to make momos and Thukpa. There were many times during the journey, where it turned so cold we froze to the bones— fingers turned to jelly, bodies ached with exhaustion. At that moment, a simple plate of steaming momos tasted like the best thing we had ever eaten.
But here’s a word of caution: silkworms and snails are a snack that I would definitely not recommend!

We spent 13 days exploring Arunachal Pradesh, Assam and Meghalaya on a biking trip. Starting from riding through miles of treacherous terrain to Kayaking in Meghalaya; from milking a yak to getting high on rice beer; from learning hot to cook to eating snails and silkworms... It was quite crazy.
I think the best way to bring back a place with you is by way of memories that you can relive by just shutting your eyes. Photographs come a close second. Anything that helps me remember the place for its originality is a great souvenir for me.
For me, a perfect getaway to clear my head or to hide from the limelight is to the mountains. My recent trip to the North East was just like that.
During the last leg of the journey, we were at this very famous café in Shillong, which is known for its Karaoke nights. The place was a livewire, full of vibrant people. Over that all that music and singing, gave me a feeling of being one with the people. I felt at peace.