"Flights are so much more convenient, and it saves time!”— I agree.
You probably have a lot of errands to run, need to catch up on things as soon as you can, and like everyone else, you are too pressed for time. There have been endless reasons like such for which I've often opted for the runway over tracks.
But… does that make trains any less doable? Absolutely not!

I’ve put together several circumstances where train journeys make way more sense than a plane. Read on!
Ample space for those tired legs

Well.. we can all agree to this one. Domestic flights suck when it comes to offering a comfortable leg space. Most of my flights have been rather a test of physical endurance– the seats barely have space on the sides, not enough space to lean, and the legroom is almost invisible. This comes as a stark contrast to trains, which can help you relax to your heart’s content while you meander through the green fields.
Makes the journey flexible and how

Flights are often a nightmare for families travelling with babies and toddlers, where you are expected to remain packed to your seats with your seat belts on all the time. On the other hand, trains allow for more space for kids to explore and move around freely and keep themselves entertained.
The scenic beauty is incomparable on the track

There are some journeys which can truly only be enjoyed on a train. While the aerial view of breathtaking landscapes might leave your hearts craving for more, train journeys provide deeper insight into the surroundings and give you more time to absorb the beauty while traversing from one side to the other.
More interaction with the locals

You can find all kinds of people on the train– the aborigines, the tourists, and people who are always eager to listen to stories and engage with you while you travel. Chatting with the locals brings an authentic experience to your trip. It gives you exposure to myriad cultures, broadens your perspective, and offers a greater understanding of the world around you. All in all, it does your soul some good!
You don’t have to worry about the baggage space

Ah, the extra amount of cash we almost always end up spending at the airport to compensate for those extra kilos. Trains are usually kind and accommodating of all your luggage. Baggage allowances aren’t as strict, and you don’t have to make that extra effort to check in your baggage before your ride. You are absolutely free to pack whatever you want!
No waiting in the long queues with a frown on your face

This holds especially true for those short journeys, where travelling via train barely takes an hour or two extra than the flight. Depending on where you are flying, you usually have to arrive a few hours before your departure and wait through those long security lines before you can board the flight. Quite opposed to trains, where you just need to get to the station a few minutes before departure.
Helps you embrace slow travel

With ‘wanderlust’ doing the rounds on social media all the time, it’s a need of the hour to switch to more sustainable modes of transport and travel responsibly. When you take the train, you cut down your carbon footage by almost half as compared to the flights. Apart from that, trains also help you embrace slow travel– it teaches you patience and urges you to find beauty in the simple things of life.
Keeps you connected with your childhood

Think of how you used to travel as a kid — the familiar smells of pakoras, the announcement sounds, and the various interesting sights that you used to encounter. Tucked in the upper berth, you used to wake up with the call of the 'chai wala' snapping you out of your sleep, overhear non-stop gossip and debates over geopolitical topics, and smell the piping hot samosas that kept surprising you every now and then.
Trains remind me of a long-forgotten childhood, a memory that I like to revisit and recreate many a time. But no matter how much I try, some things are only meant to be cherished.
When was the last time you took a train journey?
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