Chennai - Kanyakumari
Road trip with my Bajaj Pulsar RS 200
For everyone visiting hometown will make them feel so special and they love to have best moments for creating beautiful memories so that it could last forever. Well in my case I wanted to visit not to just create memories but also want to capture and register what all I see, I feel and I experience so that I can share my best memories with you by Photographs,
Videographs and Words. This time I was so interested to photograph Kanyakumari journey with my Phone LG G6 due to lot of reasons which will be shared below.
The trip initiated on 16/June/2017 from my home (Chennai) where the early morning drive kept me so fresh and relax which allowed me non-stop ride till Madurai. After the break I got even more excited to throttle myself even further. That the too much excitement leads me in wrong route where I was travailing towards Tuticorin instead of Kanyakumari. But hey, the places were breath taking and almost I was nearing tuticorin the rain was heavily happening far away where I was able to see and feel the mood because the clouds give so dramatic and surreal look and an empty road made this frame so cool. I wanted to photograph this entire scene along with my bike to complete the frame with my LG G6, thanks to its dual lens feature and RAW format capacity. Unlike other phones dual lens set here is very different, it has one normal lens and another is wide angle that can cover 125° field of view. This feature suits perfectly for my need because i always see the frame in wide perspective.
Place : Madurai - Tuticorin Hwy

After photographed the rainy scene I moved further, then Sunset. I was happy here because LGG6 camera can handle better in high dynamic range conditions in auto mode.
Place : - Tuticorin - Tirunalvel

After photographed the rainy scene I moved further, then Sunset. I was happy here because LGG6 camera can handle better in high dynamic range conditions in auto mode.
After all riding for 9 hours including overshooting location I could able reach my destination without problem.
Saravanan Ekambaram joined hands to explore KanyaKumari beauties, thanks to Gautham Jayas for taking us Kalikesam which is one the most beautiful places to be visited.
First Photograph is Underwater, Thanks to LGG6 for IP68 rating which can go under water 1.5meters and it can stay upto 30 mins. This phone performed really well and I was so impressed for its durability.
Place : Kalikesam

Once we completed Kalikesam we started travel towards town, by the way we noticed sunset was happening pretty dope. And we were placed perfectly in a moody location. Here I decided not to capture only sunset, instead of that I wanted to capture a human object along with sunset. I set my phone to auto mode where it can capture HDR which is what needed in this frame due to high contrast situation.
Place : Nagercoil

I waited for my pre-composed frame to happen, at last the expectation was fulfilled even better way, The shadows & Highlights, trees, clouds, sunset, mountains, human object with cycle made the frame more interesting and of course with help of wide angle lens i was able you maintain the exact feel what i really felt.
Two years ago I got an opportunity to photograph Trivalluvar statue and Vivekanadhar illam on Chitra pournami from a roof top and the photograph becomes viral because no one noticed Kanyakumari beauty from that kind of perspective which turned out successful effort of all time. After couple of days I was thinking can I able to photograph the same location well not in the same mood but I wanted to present even bigger like capturing the same scape with lot of stars and of course with milkyway.
Place: Kanyakumari

About this time I used my LGG6 to see how it performs in lowlight conditions. After clicking, the result didn't disappointed much because even after this hell amount of light pollution I could able to get some details of milkyway which was priority and ofcourse colors from Cityscape kept this frame vibrant. But don't worry the phone can perform even better while capturing stars in pretty dark conditions.
Place: Boodhapaandi
Here you can notice details in Milkyway is better compare to above picture due to lesser light pollution.

This time we started by noon to Villukuri till Thuckalay to find some interesting spots but the lighting was too hard where I was loosing my interest in taking pictures. But I had a feeling that somewhere I may get some interesting locations to picturize, luckily I found a hut placed isolated, where the path way gives leading line look which makes more sense here, trees, blue cloudy sky adds essence to this frame.
Place: Near Mambazhathurayar Reservoir

Here I used Normal angle Lens (Primary) to avoid nearby distractions. These kind of shots are achieved only because of good dynamic range feature where the Highlights and Shadows exposed well. And Normal angle lens is sharper when compare to wide

Here I used Normal angle Lens (Primary) to avoid nearby distractions. These kind of shots are achieved only because of good dynamic range feature where the Highlights and Shadows exposed well. And Normal angle lens is sharper when compare to wide
Random scouting actually worked because I started seeing locations where never seen before and each spot started showing different amount of flavors
Place : Erachakulam
Such a huge landscape with one human subject.

Rather than taking usual photographs like sunrise/sunset etc try to add some dynamic elements to your shots by understanding the timing and subject. Even after all understanding you must need a right equipment to freeze your frame.
Place: Muttom

Thanks to LGG6 for its Manual mode. I can able to control my Shutter speed high as possible to freeze the fast motion or I can use Low shutter Speed to get that silky smooth water effect and kept my ISO low for clean image.
The Trip ended with beautiful and the most colorful dusk ever photographed in my LGG6. For this shot I used mobile tripod to get as much as low to ensure the visibility of the water channel in silky way.
Place: Kurumpanai

Its being fun to test this phone in Low light condition. I always be so eager to test its limit to recreate stunning shots at all time. So choosing time becomes very important also highly recommended for anyone. Place: Jeppiaar fishing harbor

In recent days mobile phone manufactures giving more importance to their cameras for many reasons. In my experience Having a Mobile Phone Camera is always useful because it is compact, more maneuverability, very user friendly, sometimes performs better than a bigger camera. But i doesn't mean i have to depend on full time because mobile phones are limited due to its smaller sensor where we photographers will never like it. But hey, recent phones are performing really great in many ways. For me LGG6 suits perfectly for my requirements and it has its own unique features.