How to approach Honeymoon planning

15th Jan 2020

How to approach Honeymoon planning - Sumit Singh Jamwal

Photo of How to approach Honeymoon planning by sumit.jamwal

It is an old saying that not all moons of your married life will be as sweet as the first few moons, hence the word honeymoons or honeymoon. Your honeymoon is the best opportunity to understand your partner while you create memories for a lifetime. If it was only about copulating, the couples would not need to travel in search of new experiences, opportunities to get to know each other. Indian weddings are infamous the world-over due to the grandeur, opulence and the noise they create. Indian honeymoons are an equal big deal, just that we do not talk much about it, as for a major section of our society, honeymoon is mostly about shhhhh.. the intercourse bit.

While there is a lot of advice around how to have a grand wedding, not much information is shared openly on how should the new couple go about planning their first few moons together. Most of it is personal suggestions shared in a hush-hush tone in confidentiality.

We were lucky to get back to India in time, just before the Chinese virus became Corona and a pandemic.

Photo of San Marco, Venice, Metropolitan City of Venice, Italy by sumit.jamwal

During all the evening stroll around the Eiffel tower! We must have captured us with the tower as a prop from almost all angled. It was really cold in January and here we are a bit drenched due to the rain.

Photo of Eiffel Tower, Paris, France by sumit.jamwal

Well, Mrs. Jamwal is a disney fan and when it came to including disney and romance in our honeymoon trip; Paris became an easy option.

Photo of Disneyland Paris, Boulevard de Parc, Coupvray, France by sumit.jamwal

And Venice is a great option when it comes to colonial lanes and cannals, the city is quite a handful of experiences and shopping, which is a must :)

Photo of Venice, Italy by sumit.jamwal

Each individual is different and so are the choices and preferences. While there are a lot of examples you can take from your friend circles, planning a perfect honeymoon completely depends on you. While planning a honeymoon, you need to decide, what kind of a couple are you. Take a cue from the following and decide for yourself.

The love-birds: If you do not remember your life before your partner entered your life, you probably fall in this category. You are best friends, share everything with your partner and cannot imagine a life without your partner. If this fits your bill, you already have a lot of thoughts about your honeymoon.

You may want to reminisce the good old days by visiting all your favorite locations again, this time legitimately and/or you may do something that you have been planning ever since you decided to drive-off into the sunset together. Try to surprise your partner with the things that both would love to do together. It is always easy for the couples who can communicate well.

The arranged married-ones: Arranged marriages are not so uncommon in India and the success rates of such marriages can still baffle anyone. In this scenario, when the newly-wed couple does not know much about each other, the focus should be on understanding each other, the likes and dislikes before planning the big deal. It is an opportunity to impress and overwhelm each other with the options and places to go to, but it is more important for the couples to understand each other first than surrendering to the other’s choice.

Plan for easy things that do not include too much travel. Spend a lot of time doing couple activities, massages, candle-light dinners, long walks, cooking together, share stories (just hold on to revealing every blunder from the past). Focus more on knowing each other than covering a lot of places during the honeymoon.

The angry birds: If you end-up arguing over every little thing because you want it your way, you fall in this category. It is difficult to plan anything as both of you want it perfect and you want it your way. A slight deviation from your plan is a big inconvenience to you and you don’t want any inconvenience during your honeymoon at least. This is a tough spot to be at and one needs to be very careful to not spoil the first most-important chapter of your happily ever-after.

You might have to try this a few times, but do it with patience and remember your love for each other. Create a wish list of your top-favorite things you want to do and lend each other your ear. Discuss, debate on what you want to do and why. Then after each point from your wish-list, place a point mentioned by your partner. Once the wish-list with equal pointers from both the partners is ready, spend time zeroing-in on the possible location, opportunity, time that can help both of you realize your wish-list. If one point falls out due to the restrictions offered by the place or plan, change it with another point from your wish-list. During the course of your meticulously planned honeymoon, wait for the time when you realize your partner is having equal or more-fun during one of your listed activities.

Some important points to remember while planning your honeymoon:

Don’t get too worked up because it is your honeymoon

Every problem has a solution

Do not go overboard, take it easy

Exclusive does not necessarily mean too expensive

Honeymoon is for you two and not for the world

Where you go for your honeymoon does not define your social standing

Honeymoon is first of the many things you will plan and do in your life

Your partner is the first reason you are doing this

A honeymoon is the most important defining factor for each couple and how their life will be. Honeymoon planning is as important as the big deal itself. If you do not know what kind of couple you are yet and how your future will be, don’t be in a rush, just make sure that both of you get the best out of the first thing you do together as a married couple – your honeymoon.

This article was first published by Sumit Singh Jamwal in Escape Route Stories!

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